Tuesday, August 16, 2022


It is a part of our life cycle that we all go through seasons. Just as surely as God give us winter, spring, summer and fall, we go through seasons of life. It seems to me that we experience times of growing and abundance and times of sowing in expectations: we have seasons of sunshine when everything is just right…and rainy seasons that seem dark and gloomy. Thank you Father that these are seasons…that we are not permanently stuck in any one season.

This past Monday I read Genesis 26 as a part of my quiet time. The chapter starts off with a famine. It is followed quickly with assurance that God is with him and is still in the process of blessing. The whole chapter is a series of “seasons”. A season of challenge followed by a season of blessing; a season of opposition and a season of cooperation; a season of mistakes and a season of obedience.

It just reminded me that whatever you are experiencing, whether good or bad, it is a season you are going through. Remember the Father’s promise to always be with you and to never leave or forsake you…even in the slow, difficult seasons. Especially in the slow and difficult seasons.

JIBC is in a great season in many ways. We have visitors in the worship service almost every Sunday; generous giving has allowed and enabled generous giving to mission and outreach; more people are involved in outreach than ever. Pastor David wrote an article giving praise for the growing season of technology. I met a man Sunday who grew up at JIBC but has been away for almost 40 years. He said he watches us online every week!

I hope you are in a good and pleasant season right now. If you are not, I pray Jesus will bless you and keep you. May the unpleasant season be short and followed by a season of abundance.

My family has had a wonderful season of life with my grandson Noah. I was in the birthing room as Brook’s birthing coach when Noah was born. I literally cut the cord as we welcomed him to our family. It has been a beautiful season…17 years worth. This past Sunday Brook, Janie and I went with Noah to get him all squared away in his dorm. As we drove away, I felt like I was cutting the cord again! This is a season of abundance!

To God be the glory and may we trust Him during every season of life.

Pastor Tom