By God’s good grace, for the last 75 years, James Island Baptist Church has been joining in God’s Mission to reach, redeem and restore a lost and broken world. Our goal is to make disciples who make disciples that change the world and make our community a better place to live. We do this using the Purpose Driven Church model. First, we work with God to bring people into his family through Church Membership. Second, our goal is to help them grow to become more like Jesus through implementing these spiritual disciplines in their lives: daily Bible study and prayer; connecting to a small group; and generously using their resources to bless others. Our third objective is to equip every member to be better able to help build up the church body. Fourth, we deploy members with an outward focus to bless our community, our state, our nation and the world through missions and outreach. And at the heart of it all is our desire to make disciples that worship God is spirit and in truth daily as we live and weekly as we gather.
Right now we are in a season of blessing. We believe we have been blessed to be a blessing. It is my dream and goal for JIBC to celebrate our 75th Anniversary by finding 75 ways to bless the community in the next 75 days (September 1-November 14). I have already heard of some fantastic plans! To help you accomplish this mission, our Finance Team wants to give every adult member and friend of JIBC $75 to use toward blessing others. We have set aside up to $15,000 toward this mission. I know, crazy right? When some churches are trying to raise money, we are in the blessed position to find ways to give it away! Pray about how you might use $75 to bless the community. No strings attached. Help a single mom, bless a Veteran, pay a bill for a struggling family; buy some children’s books for underserved families; involve your team, club or class; on and on and on the ways to bless can go! If you would not mind, I would love to have just a small note on how you felt led to bless the community. It can be anonymous if you like; no problem. I think this would be a great way to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of a Church Family. May our Father lead and bless as we join Him in His work to reach, redeem and restore a lost and broken community!
By the way…starting this past Sunday and continuing the next two Sundays, we will have name tags for everyone to wear. This is an often requested idea. This will so help to put names and faces together. Our Welcome Team will be at the doors to assist. Of course it is voluntary…no one has to wear a name tag. But you will not be eligible for the drawing to an exotic island where they speak a foreign language without wearing one! Lol.
Last idea for the day: would you join me in the goal to have 75 Jars of Jelly and 75 packs of diapers for each month, September, October and November? Let’s bless James Island Outreach with 225 Jars of Jelly and The Low Country Pregnancy Center with 225 packs of diapers.
See you Sunday, good Lord willing!
Pastor Tom