Monday morning during my quiet time, this verse is from the Psalms I read that day: “My heart is moved with a good theme”. I stopped a moment to think about two things. One, I want my heart to be moved with good themes, not bad themes. It is easy to let my heart feel discouraged, negative, mad or sad. Watching the evening news can make me feel all four of those at one time. Discouragement and negativity are enemies of our spiritual good health. The enemy flourishes when God’s people feel defeated and live in an atmosphere of negative thoughts and actions. So, I asked the good Lord to help me remember the good, to rejoice and give thanks, to be aware of His blessings that my heart would be moved with a good theme.
This past Sunday was one of the days it was easy for my heart to be “moved with a good theme”. We had a packed house for worship and observance of the Lord’s Supper. The 75th Anniversary Party was a wonderful success. The list of people who helped is too long to mention. We are, none the less, so very grateful. The set up team was finished in 30 minutes. The decoration team moved in and lifted the atmosphere to the next level. The beautiful chatter of fellowship was heard inside the Edisto Hall as well as outside under the oaks. Our Father provided a most excellent day of weather. Wildflower Station performed at a new level! We had so much fun listening to them play. We were blessed by so many guests, former members and members attending. Home Team BBQ served 279 people at the park!
Keep on praying about how you will bless the community in the “75 Ways in 75 Days” Mission. So far, the stories turned in have been fantastic. Some, extremely simple and humble while others are next level creative and productive. By the way, the goal of 75 jars of jelly during September was met and exceeded! Our Mission/Ministry partners at James Island Outreach will be pleased to restock their shelves with jelly. Remember, we will be colleting during October, November and December. The same results about diapers! Wow, we have a small mountain of diapers for our Mission/Ministry Partners at the Lowcountry Pregnancy Center.
Have I told you lately that I love you? I really do. I love our Church Family!
This Sunday I plan to conclude the teaching series “Blessed To Be A Blessing”. We will look at blessing others with the little things of life. Hope you will be present. Let’s try to praise more, give thanks more and do something kind more. It is kingdom living.
Pastor Tom