Pastor Scott and Lori may be leaving James Island Baptist in a matter of weeks. About four months ago Scott shared with the staff that he was feeling the desire to not be an Associate Pastor but rather to be the Senior Pastor. Because the Senior Pastor role at James Island Baptist is currently filled, by yours truly, staying here at JIBC was not an option. So he put his resume out back in September and waited to see what the Lord might open up. On Monday, January 23, Scott informed the staff that he was in the final negotiations with a church in Rock Hill, SC. You might remember that is where he was when he came to JIBC. They will be returning to the area where Scott spent most of his ministry. What a great God to add that beautiful touch!
He is scheduled to “preach in view of a call” on Sunday, February 12. They will likely vote on him that day and let him know that very day if the vote is positive. I cannot imagine a negative vote for someone as gifted as Scott. If the vote is to call him, he will be with JIBC only a very short time after that.
In many ways, Scott has been one of the best Associate Pastor’s I have had the pleasure of working with. He has proved to be a hard worker, creative in all things “techie”; one of the most “social butterflies” I have ever known. He never meets a stranger. He always has a willing heart to jump in and do whatever was needed. He is loved and will be missed.
In a traditional church, a staff member would often be “let go” as soon as it was known they were looking to move. JIBC is not a traditional church. You may remember we kept a staff member on a year so he could complete all his requirements to be a missionary with the North American Mission Board.
So why announce his decision this way instead of waiting until he is 100% sure the Rock Hill church is calling him? 1) The prospective church could still choose not to call him. So, let’s pray for favor with God and man. 2) He and Lori need and deserve our prayers. She has a new job to find and they have a house to sell and a house to buy. We believe in prayer. James 1:5 says if you lack wisdom, ask God. So, let’s ask for wisdom and guidance from our Father. 3) No one should have to make a life altering change without their church family praying with them. Whatever we are doing we can do better when God’s people surround us with prayer. 4) This is Kingdom work. It is not exactly like sending out a missionary, but we are, in fact, releasing someone who has worked with us for 3 years. JIBC is a part of the Kingdom, we are not THE KINGDOM. Scott is going to another church that is a part of the same Kingdom. “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”. This decision may have surprised me but it did not surprise God. He is still working on our behalf and knows exactly what we need.
We have been blessed by Scott’s ministry for 3 years. Now, we seek to send him and Lori off with prayer, love and gratitude in hopes that they will be a blessing to others. This Sunday, February 5th, during our Mission and Ministry Moments, we will be praying over Scott and Lori. Join us as we ask, seek and knock (Matthew 7:7), trusting our Father to continue to lead and bless. To God be the glory.
“Say it ain’t so, Pastor Tom”. But it is so. Romans 8:28 would be an appropriate Bible verse right here: “For we know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.”
Love you all.
Pastor Tom