That is the name of our new teaching series that will lead us up to Resurrection Sunday/Easter! My thoughts are to take a look at the darker side of the story of our Lord’s last week of life before the resurrection. This week is usually referred to as Passion Week. There are four weeks before Palm Sunday so we will be looking at 4 Villains. This past week we started with Judas. From Judas we can learn the value of correcting character flaws early, while they are small and before they grow larger with time. We can learn the difference between remorse (being sorry, sorry we got caught, sorry it didn’t work out like I wanted) and repentance. Repentance is changing the way we think and then changing the way we act. Godly repentance is more than just being sorry. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 7:10 “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.” For Judas that was exactly what happened.
Over the next three weeks we will be looking at Herod, Barabbas and Pilate. They were all villains of one type or another. Without Christ in us, there would certainly be a little villain in each of us. Let’s make sure we stay close to our Lord. Amen?
UPDATE ON THE SEARCH FOR A NEW ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Over the past few weeks and months, we have gone through dozens of resumes from people looking for church staff positions and/or people specifically interested in the position at JIBC. We have talked with maybe 6 or so. We have done video conference calls with 5. We have followed up with visits with two. Two of the candidates have actually been here to JIBC and joined with us in worship and have met our staff. We have been “turned down” by two. We see that as a good thing even when it is a little disappointing. One decided to stay in Student Ministry and the other said God spoke clearly to him and his wife. That is a part of the process. It is slow and can be a little tedious. I do believe our Gracious Father in Heaven will lead us as we continue to seek Him. Thank you for your ongoing prayers. We will keep you updated when we have news to share.
Hope to see you Sunday,
Pastor Tom