Palm Sunday is a day of Celebration welcoming Jesus into our lives. We sing Hosanna and celebrate his triumphal entry. The Good Friday service, on the other hand, is always a reflective, meaningful worship experience centered around the sacrifice and suffering of Christ. And we all look forward to Resurrection Sunday. On Easter Sunday we celebrate “up from the grave he arose, with a mighty triumph over his foes!” Please don’t miss the opportunity to invite family, friends and neighbors to the Easter Services. Oh what a day.This has been the teaching series that will lead us up to Passion Week, one of the most wonderful times of the Christian calendar. Passion Week is generally thought of as starting with Palm Sunday/The Triumphal Entry all the way to Resurrection Sunday/Easter. This year that will be April 2: Palm Sunday; April 7: Good Friday; and April 9: Resurrection Sunday!
Let me tell you about a couple of wonderful events for our children and our community children. First, the children from Awana and Kids Worship will join in the singing on Psalm Sunday at the 11:00 Worship service. It will be a cute as it can be.
Second, there will be a “RESURRECTION PARTY” on Wednesday, April 5th. You do not want to miss this event. Please make extra effort to have your children and grandchildren present. This will be a very special night of celebration. We are even having a scaled down version of the Seder meal. There will be special music, crafts and so much more!
Joanne and her team will lead in a Community Wide Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 8. Mark Livengood will be on hand to tell the Resurrection Story! This will be an eventful Passion Week. Thank you for your prayers. I hope you and your family will be able to attend some part of the Passion Week Celebration.
By the way, Laura Holmes and her weekday school team will be presenting a Preschool Spring Sing on April 6 at 11:00 a.m. If your cup has not been filled, come and check this out!
He is risen…He is risen indeed. Can’t wait to say that with you over and over on Easter Sunday.
Love you all,
Pastor Tom