There is an old song that says: “It’s been a long time coming, but I know a change is gonna to come”. We are finally at the time and place where we can say our new Associate Pastor and his sweet family will soon be here. All God’s children said “AMEN!” It has been a long time coming…but I know a change is gonna come.
We went through a very thorough process and interviews and meetings with a lot of prospective staff members. Some we liked, some we did not care for and some we loved. Kyle and Melissa were at the very top of the list of the ones we loved. We are so happy their arrival date is within sight. They are scheduled to move in on October 23rd. They will be living at the Forest at Fenwick just over the bridge on Johns Island. Kyle’s first day will be Monday, October 30…JUST IN TIME FOR THE FALL FESTIVAL! Perfect timing.We will be sending out a brochure to introduce Kyle and his family to you. I think you will quickly see why we think he is the right person to join our staff and the JIBC family. We will be working with Kyle to get him introduced to as many people, as many Connection Groups and as many Ministry and Mission Teams as we can and as quickly as we can. We want him to know the JIBC we love and the JIBC that will love him and his family.
We have two big events happening real soon. The first is outward focused: THE ANNUAL FALL FESTIVAL. This is an annual all hands on deck event. We need as many volunteers as we can get. This is easily the numerically largest event of the year for JIBC. We will likely have over 1000 people on our campus on October 31. We design the Fall Festival to be a positive, family friendly, alternative to the traditional trick or treat. Kids will have a blast and gather all the candy their parental units will allow them to consume. And if all goes well, we will feature Mark Livengood presenting the Gospel story. How can you help? First, consider volunteering for a 2 hour shift…or more. Second, pick up a big bag of deliciousness and drop it by one of the collection bins. Third, pray that the love of God will be effectively communicated to our community. Thank you.
The second big event is A TASTE OF JAMES ISLAND BAPTIST . We are planning a church wide fellowship on Sunday, November 12. It will be held right after our 11:00 service, out under the oaks. We are inviting every Connection Group and every Ministry Team to put up a tent and serve up some of your favorite foods. Not only will this be fun, but it is a great way to get to know more of our church family and to see the ministry needs. More information to come!
See you Sunday, good Lord willing!
Pastor Tom