For the last 5 weeks I have been teaching a series of messages I called “Back to Basics”. My hope and desire has been to remind of us a few of the foundational doctrines, beliefs and practices that help us to become more and more like Jesus. The bottom line is not so much what you believe but what you do. We may say what we are thinking but we do what we believe. Let’s take another look at the basics I chose.
First, there was grace, the amazing grace of God. I chose that to be first for a reason. It is easy to think we are made and kept right with God by our own efforts as if God was pleased with us based on our accomplishments. What a gift when we understand God’s undeserved favor and love. It is indeed Amazing Grace.
Second, we took a look at the Biblical teaching on being connected. Beginning in Genesis God stated it was not good for us to be alone. To meet that need, He made His people, the Church, to be a body. We are better together working as a body, with different parts, yet as one body. It can be hard to say but I need you…and you need me.
Third, we looked at how to work with God to leverage our talents, gifts and abilities for His Kingdom work. Every one of us has these God given gifts, talents and abilities. We are to use them in the church to help build a stronger church and in the community to draw people to our Father. Don’t let the devil tell you that you have no talent, gifts or abilities. God says different!
Fourth, we looked at our Life invite others to be a part of God’s family. It was the message of the Great Commission to go into all the world and make disciples. It is an awe inspiring thought to believe God could use us to reach the world starting with those across the street, across the river and then across the ocean. He is doing that very thing.
And then last Sunday we examined Worship. In some ways, I think worship empowers all that we do. Worship motivates and inspires. It gives us vision and courage. It helps us focus upward on God, inward on our own hearts and outward to a lost and broken world.
This Sunday, we will build the service around yet one more basic, The Lord’s Supper. We will observe one of the two ordinances given to us in God’s Holy Word. Take a moment sometime this week or weekend to go back over the basics. How are you doing in living these out in your daily life? Such a time of reflection would be a good way t o examine our hearts before observing The Lord’s Supper.
Back to Basics…it is always good to review. See you Sunday, good Lord willing.
Pastor Tom