Friday, September 22, 2023


We are in the very first stage of planning “A Taste of James Island Baptist”. Right now we don’t have a lot of details, but we do have a date, Sunday, November 12. We will ask our Connection Groups and Ministry Teams to cook up their favorite dishes for this event. It will be right after the 11:00 Worship Service and will be held right here at JIBC under the Oaks. Music, food, fellowship, mission and ministry! What is not to love? More details to come.

Speaking of save the date, don’t forget about our biggest attended event of the year, The Fall Festival. It is always held on October 31 no matter which day of the week it lands on. We will have all the people our church campus can handle. We offer a positive, safe, family friendly alternative to the traditional Halloween. We will have the “Candy Boxes” out for donations. Remember when you go shopping; grab a bag or two of candy. For those who are new to JIBC, there is a place for everyone to volunteer. Everything is free and we give out a ton of candy! One of the best comments I have ever heard was from a member who came for the very first time. They said “I had no idea how big and how well done this event is. This is great!” I agree. Felecia Hebert and her team will do a great job as they always do! Just a little over 1 month away.

Follow up on Beach Baptism
We are planning to “debut” the new video of the beach baptism on Sunday, October 15 at worship services, 9 and 11. We have a beautiful photo of the event for those who were baptized. You can pick them up at the beginning or the ending of either worship service. Our thanks to David Martin, Jr and his crew for making this happen. To God be the glory.

Don’t hold me to these exact numbers, but Awana has 84 children enrolled and over 70 attending! Way to go Commander ReRe and Team! Let’s reach them before we have to rescue them, amen?

Pastor Tom