Monday, December 19, 2011


I am thankful it is not too late to do last minute shopping.  I still have a few stocking stuffers I need to pick up.  I am grateful for the opportunity to rest and relax and think about the time and reason for the season.  I really do not mind all the extra hustle and bustle.  After all, we are celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus.  Think of the effort we put into our family birthdays.  To me it is worth the extra effort.

I also love the fact that at Christmas time more people focus on giving and helping others.  I am convinced that we are doing this all through out the year.  It is just more people getting involved at Christmas time.  I know small groups and Adult Bible Study classes that help feed the poor all year long; help single moms all year long; give to mission efforts all year long; visit the sick all year long.  They are not doing that just at Christmas time.  It just seems that way because additional people get involved.  The more the merrier…literally.  Try to avoid being a hater of Christmas time festivities and celebrations.  It is always the right time to do a good thing.  People who need help all year long particularly need help at this time of the year.  Who knows, some who are plugging in because it is Christmas season may actually like it and become year round celebrators of God’s love.  Now wouldn’t that be wonderful?  You will never hear me say a negative put down about the people who only come to worship on the special occasions.  My goodness, that is what we pray for, work for, train for.  What a wonderful opportunity to show the love of God.

It is also not too late to make a year end giving gift.  If you have not considered a gift to the International Missions Christmas Offering (Lottie Moon Christmas as some know it), then it is not too late.  You really get a lot for your gift.  Every penny of every dollar goes to the missionaries.  Not one cent is kept out for advertising or administration cost.  That almost never happens in fund raising.

You also may have a special area in the church you would like to bless.  If you want to make a difference in reaching young people, consider a gift to the Youth/Children/Preschool ministries.  If you would like to make a difference in recovery ministries consider Celebrate Recovery or the Transition House.  I am humbled to think we now have one of the best run and effective Celebrate Recovery Ministries in the Charleston area.  It really is a model for how to operate a Christ centered 12 Step program.  And of course, you could always make a gift to the church budget.  We will end the year short of our projected need of tithes and offerings.  We did implement a 6% cut in our 2012 budget.  We really do believe the Lord will provide.  He always has.

I hope I will see you at this years Christmas Eve Worship or maybe on Christmas Day.  If not, I look forward, Lord willing, to seeing you in the New Year.

What a great God, what a great church family!
Love you all,
Pastor Tom

Monday, December 5, 2011

Down to the Wire

We have set the date of Monday, January 2 as the opening of the Transition House/180 Ministry.  We are now in the final stage of putting in order all the items that have been donated over the last year.  And it is a lot, thank you Jesus.

Here is the biggest need at the moment.  We need 5 teams with two or three people on each team to “adopt” one of the bed rooms/bathrooms and get it ready to live in.  We think each room has all it needs but really, we do not know.  There is sooooo much stuff that it is a little overwhelming.  If each team of  2 or 3 would go in, arrange, fluff up, make a final inventory of what is needed, that would be fantastic.  Our goal is to have absolutely everything ready by Christmas day.

This could easily be a family project, a Sunday School Class project, a civic group, just about anyone.  You would be working with Marsha Cline, the director of the Transition House.  We will try to have an open house on New Years Day for the Church family and community.  Please keep this in your prayers.  The need for a transition house was identified by Charleston Outreach and other Community services as a number one priority need in our community.  JIBC will be the “experiment model” for how this ministry can be done.  It feels like a God thing to me.  It is far too big, we have no funding to speak of, while the need is great.  If God does not show up, it will not work.  I believe it will work, lives will be changed, and this ministry will bring Him glory.  One of my favorite stories is David and Goliath.  David’s brothers warned him that Goliath was too big to hit.  David assured them that Goliath was too big to miss with God’s help.  He then picked up the stone and killed the giant.  Jesus is our stone, our rock.  The needs of these women are too big not to make some kind of difference.  I don’t know of many other churches I would trust as much as JIBC to be given the assignment of helping hurting people recover.  I love the big ones!

See you Sunday, Pastor Tom

Monday, November 28, 2011


The word advent comes from the Latin word “adventus” which means coming.  The Advent season usually begins the fourth Sunday before Christmas.  The purpose of observing the advent season is very similar to the reason we have the “Fall Festival.”  We do not celebrate Halloween.  Instead, we actually go head to head with it to provide a positive alternative and to reach out to the community.  Think of the Advent Season as our effort to go head to head with the commercialization of the Christmas Season.  It is so easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of Christmas and lose the wonder of the event, the Reason for the Season, so through a series of messages from God’s Word, select readings about the prophecy of Christ’s Coming (his advent), the visual of lighting a candle to represent Jesus as the Light of the World, and the singing of beautiful hymns and songs, we celebrate the Advent Season.

Someone once asked me if celebrating Advent was a Catholic observance and if it was somehow connected to paganism and idolatry?  That is an interesting question.  The Church of Jesus Christ has been observing and celebrating the birth of our Lord from the very early days of Christianity. We have records of the first celebration of the Nativity from A.D. 386.  It is very probable that followers of Jesus celebrated his coming before that date.  The celebration of Advent can be traced easily back to the 4th Century.  That is almost 1, 500 years of history.  Of course, over the years, a simple celebration became more and more elaborate as the Church tried to honor Christ is more glorious and majestic ways.  The desire to honor Him was good even if the excess went to far at times.

We Baptist come from a long line of Protestant history.  The very word protestant symbolizes our willingness to protest, to be protestants, about traditions that substitute anything for true faith and the Word of God.  But even our leader of the protestant reformation, Martin Luther, loved the Christmas season and seemed to revel in the opportunity to build anticipation concerning the Christmas day celebration.  He did this by teaching a series of Advent sermons.

So we join the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ, who for at least 1,500 years, have sought ways to exalt our Risen Savior, give honor and submission to the Word of God, and lead the people to experience Him through the use of various media.  Don’t let the over commercialization of Christmas rob you and your family from the joy of anticipating the Yahweh God, lifting up His Son and our Savior Jesus Christ, honoring the Bible as the written Word of God using a rich variety of godly traditions.

See you this Sunday, the Second Sunday of Advent.
Pastor Tom

Monday, October 31, 2011

Movin’ In-Movin’Out

When was the last time you had to move your family and all your belongings?  For some, it is very recent, for others, it has been a while.  We have two families right in the middle of such moves.

On the moving in side:  We say hello to Dave and Lauren with their two boys.  They moved from Orlando to James Island.  By the way, they were very good about doing a self move and not incurring the expense of having to use professional movers.  Our thanks to the Johnsons and the many volunteers on the Orlando side that helped pack them and the volunteers on the James Island side that helped unpack.  We laughed this morning as Dave was saying he is still looking for and trying to find things he needs.  In the office we are trying to give Dave the extra time he needs to get his family settled, get his home in order, get used to the new environment, make sure the boys are adjusting, etc.  Moving can be stressful.  He comes on board at JIBC at a very busy time of the year.  He also comes to a worship and music ministry very different from the church he served in Orlando, and that means more adjusting.  So, that is the long way to ask that you keep Dave in your prayers, be gracious and understanding, and look for God’s blessings.   I am already loving his heart.

On the moving out side:  We say goodbye to Rhodes and Jess Roberts and family.  They are leaving us to serve full time in Vapor Sports Ministry located in Alabama.  They will serve in a support role operating a thrift store helping to support this ministry.  This sports ministry uses soccer as a platform to enter third world impoverished countries helping to provide sustainable resources and discipleship.  Wow.  I am hoping for the day when all those who play soccer at JIBC will be able to partner with Vapor on a mission trip.  Rhodes and Jess were a vital part of a small group that met weekly.  Jess in particular grew significantly from her time with her small group.  What a joy to send them out.  We will miss them greatly even as we rejoice in what God is doing through them.

By the way, do you realize we have JIBC family now serving in Asia, South Africa, Nepal, New Orleans/Tennessee and now that foreign land known as Alabama.  To God be the glory.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom

Monday, October 24, 2011

Our Busy Growing Branches

Welcome Dave Johnson
This past Sunday was Dave’s first official Sunday with us as a full time staff member.  They are still unpacking bags and boxes and getting settled in.  I haven’t had to move in quite a few years, so it is easy to forget what a big deal it is to move a family and all your belongings.  I mention this to remind us to “take it easy” on Dave and his family for a week or so.  Let them get moved in and adjusted, get the boxes unpacked, clothes put away, kids in new schools, curtains hung, etc.  Whew, it makes me tired thinking about it…I am soooo glad I am not the one having to do it.  We are very glad the Johnson family has joined the JIBC family.  Welcome to the Island Life!

Thanks to Fred Hudson
I said it Sunday, but I want to say it again, “Thank you, Fred.”  We brought Fred on to be our keyboard player and sound technician.  He ended up being the interim worship leader.  I am more than grateful for Fred, which is why we recruited him in the first place.  Multi-talented, more than capable and willing to serve where needed, he plays for both Sunday services, the Sunday rehearsal, the Wednesday night services, the Celebrate Recovery service on Sunday night, funerals and weddings.  What a great addition to our staff.

Fall Festival
This next Monday is one of the largest outreach events of the year for our JIBC family.  It gives us the opportunity to reach out to our community through providing a family friendly, safe alternative to Halloween.  We do not use the traditional “Halloween” decorations in the ministries of our church family or in this festival.  We will use themes around “fall” and “harvest” that emphasize the blessings of God and the beauty of His creation. 

Pray for this event.  Pray for spiritual protection and insight during this particular time of the season.  Lift up to God those who will be leading and serving. Ask for their peace, patience, and an increase in their energy levels.  Pray for those who attend to be aware of the Spirit of God and the love of God in His people.  Pray for safety as hundreds of people come onto the church campus and participate in the variety of events.   It is harvest time, pray that there will be a spiritual harvest.  Come and have fun, share some laughs, and meet some new families.  It will be a great time.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom

Monday, October 17, 2011


          MEET AND GREET By the time you get this Messenger the Johnsons should be in their new home here on James Island.  We are very excited to have Dave, Lauren and their two boys as a part of the JIBC family and the Charleston community.  We hope to have many opportunities to have times of fellowship with them.  This Sunday we want to have a brief meet and greet, so we are providing coffee, juice and donuts in the fellowship hall from 9:30 until 10:00.  That will still give our adult Bible Study classes time to meet.  It will also give Dave the time he needs to rehearse with the praise team.  Drop by any time from 9:30 to 10:00 Sunday morning to say “hello,”  then head on to your Adult Bible Study class.  What a great way to start the morning.

Just in case you can not make this Sunday’s meet and greet, we will also make sure we have Dave and Lauren available on Wednesday nights.  This will give them even more opportunity  to visit with the church family.  We want you to have multiple opportunities to meet them and spend some time with them.  You have already made them feel welcome.  Now, let’s get to know them and let them get to know more of our church family and community.  You will love them, and they will certainly love the JIBC family.

By the way, make sure you take a moment to say a big “thank-you” to Fred Hudson who has done a great job leading our worship.  I can tell you that when Fred was leading, I had every confidence the job would be done.  He has been a blessing to me and to our church family.  You can see why we went out to recruit his services and partnership.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom

Monday, October 10, 2011

Meet the Johnsons

David and Lauren Johnson are finishing up their last days living in Orlando Florida.  The plans right now are for them to actually be packing on Monday, October 17 and arrive in Charleston a day or two later.  They will be renting and living here on James Island.

David grew up in Orlando where he and his family attended Orlando First Baptist pastored by Dr. Jim Henry.  Dr. Henry has served as the President of the Southern Baptist Convention, Florida Baptist Convention, and the Orlando Baptist Convention.  It is the church where Janie and I worship when we vacation in Orlando.  He grew up in the youth group there and served in the youth group.  He later served as the youth worship leader at a sister church, First Baptist Church, St Cloud under Pastor Chan.  He also led the contemporary worship at the Carillon United Methodist Church in Orlando.  He has led in other area churches as well.  He joined his former Pastor, Chan in a new start church called Crosspointe.  This is the same church where Brent and Jess were serving when we found them and called them to JIBC.  Dave has worked for Campus Crusade in their mail room for several years.  This has afforded him opportunities to lead worship for The Campus Crusade Day of Prayer where he led over 1,000 in worship and prayer.

Dave has served at Crosspointe Church in Orlando as a member of their praise team for years.  He has served faithfully in that church family as an assistant worship leader, then as an interim worship leader and as an intern.  This has given him a great depth of training and preparation for his calling to JIBC.

Their church at Crosspointe is a church of small groups, so he has been involved first hand in participating in small group life.  He has also been mentored by their small group connections elder.  We anxiously look forward to this being a growth area for Dave as well as JIBC.  We will learn about connection and small group ministry together.  In this area, he is coming to partner with us in a new area of ministry.  We do not have a model for him to follow.  We will grow this ministry together with him.

Dave and Lauren have been married since 2000.  They have two young sons, Caleb and Jonah.   Many of our church folks have already met Lauren and fallen in love with her.  She has an outgoing personality and acts like she never meets a stranger.

To God be the glory.  Thank you for your prayers and support during this time of searching. He will be here to lead in his first official worship service on Sunday, October 23.  Keep your eyes open for a time of meet and greet with Dave and Lauren.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom

Monday, October 3, 2011

Here we go!

Last Thursday, we made it official; we extended a call to David and Lauren Johnson to come and do life with us here at The Church at Riverland Terrace, James Island Baptist.  David will be joining us as our Worship and Connection-Small Group Pastor.  Next week we will include some of his biographical information.

As far back as April we began our first conversation with Dave.  Pastor Brent knew him personally from the time he and Jess served at Crosspoint Church in Orlando.  Brent called to ask if Dave would be interested in talking to us and if he was interested to send us his resume.  Dave’s resume was one of over 120 resumes I held in my hands, read and considered.  That sounds like there were a lot of candidates out there.  Not really.  There were just a lot of people out there looking for jobs.  If I told you about some of the resumes we received, you would think I was making up the story.  There were some humdingers.  There were less than 10 that we had serious conversation with and only four that we interviewed personally.  Dave’s resume and interview kept rising to the top of our list.

Brent arranged for Dave and his family to come down and help in the area wide “Love God-Serve Charleston” week.  Dave came and assisted in leading music and serving with the youth.  We took a small group of leaders to hear Dave at that event and liked what we heard.  We interviewed him that week.  Dave is very likable, so we invited him back for his first official visit at JIBC where he met and worked with the praise team, met with around 40 of our leaders, led in four worship settings and had more interviews.
We decided to let that sit for a while and to seek feedback from the 40 or so leaders that met David and Lauren.  They received high marks from them all.  Not one felt any sense of “no or stop” from the Lord.  It was a very good weekend.

Conversations continued with Dave and Lauren and eventually led to a second official visit.  Once again, Dave met with the praise team, led in three worship settings and met with a smaller group of JIBC leaders.  This meeting got down to the nuts and bolts of the decision making process.  Again, our leaders gave thumbs up and were ready to move on.

You will perhaps laugh at this next move.  I met one final time with our staff and with our Elders.  I presented the decision to call David in the old fashion way in weddings: “If anyone knows of any reason these two (Dave and JIBC) should not now be wedded, speak now or forever hold your peace!”  At that point, the decision was made to extend the call to Dave, Lauren and their two boys.

It looks like they will move here the third week of October.  The final details have not been worked out, but we will keep you informed.  You will love Dave and Lauren.  They have already bonded with several members of our church family.  Keep them and JIBC in your prayers as we transition into this new “kairos” moment of time.  This really could be a defining moment for us.

See you Sunday,
Pastor Tom

Friday, September 30, 2011

King of the Hill No More

Just as the unbelievable amount of baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) were getting use to being the big dog on the generational playground, we get unseated.  The good news is, if there are jobs, these next generations can help pay for our social security benefits…hope springs eternal.

We are living with five generations at one time.  It could be six depending on which sociologist is reporting.  They are called by different names and are sometimes divided by age a little differently.  Here is the break down of generations within a five mile radius of James Island Baptist.  There are 115,000 people living within a five mile radius of JIBC.

1. Perhaps the greatest generation of all time are the BUILDERS, those 86 years and older.  They represent only 2% of the population.  There are 2,300 of them in our area
2. The SILENT generation (I didn’t give these names by the way) are those who are between the ages 68 and 85 years.  There are 12, 650 of this generation in our community.

3. The BOOMER generation, for so long the largest generation in American history, are those between the ages 50 and 67.  This group accounts for 24,150 of the 115,000.

4. The SURVIVOR generation are those between 29 and 49 years of age, and they represent 33,350 of those 115,000.

The MILLENIALS  and GEN Z are those just born up to the age 28.  Hold on to your party hats.  This group represents 38% of our population or 43,700 out of 115,000.  That my friends, is a lot of young people.  Really, this group could be divided into two groups to make 6 separate generations. Either way, it is a major shift in the force.

It can be challenging.  Janie bought me a Droid phone for my birthday.  Great huh?  Now I get to be technology ignorant with 20th and 21st Century gadgetry.  I was not using all the stuff on my flip phone yet.  The times, they are a changing.  Thank goodness I have grandchildren to help me use the apps, or I would be apt not to use them.

This information has to be more than interesting or boring.  It has to be directional and informing to the mission.  The next major shift in our church family will be a result of what these numbers tell us.  It is important.  It is challenging.  Doing missions in a different culture requires learning a new language, adapting to new ways of living and finding effective ways to communicate the Good News of our Lord Jesus.

Honestly, I liked being King of the Hill.  But there are a lot of new kids on the playground and the sand box is big enough for everyone.  I bet the new kids who follow the King will have some inspired ways to reach their generations.  They already have apps to help them do it!

Pastor Boomer

The Gospel of Mark: A God of Action- A Call to Discipleship

The Gospel of Mark: A God of Action- A Call to Discipleship
This past Sunday we began a new series of messages from the Gospel of Mark.  Each Sunday I will teach verse by verse through this, the first of the Gospel’s written and recorded.  It is an action packed Gospel, not focusing as much on the teaching ministry of our Lord.  It focuses on our Heavenly Father who acts, who brings hope and help.  Mark records Jesus calling for his listeners to follow him.  He calls them to a journey, a
lifestyle, a way of living.  He does not call them to religion or forms or rituals.  The invitation is to follow him, follow his ways, to learn to love what he loved.   It is the shortest of the Gospels, but it is action packed.  Let your quiet time, Bible study, devotional life over the next months include time in the Gospel of Mark.

Celebrate Recovery
I am very pleased with the strong ministry of Celebrate Recovery: A Christ Centered 12 Step ministry.  We have over the last 5 months seen steady progress and strength.  Almost immediately, we had a team of people step up to provide leadership.  This team tries to meet monthly to pray, plan and carry out the life changing work of this ministry. We have on Sunday morning a fast track leadership training taking place.  Those who
desire to lead in this ministry must take the new training we offer.  Many of the old ways of doing the Celebrate Recovery ministry continue, but we have implemented many changes and have raised the bar for being a part of the leadership team. This past Sunday was around 30 in attendance.  We had 13 men, all from the community and 17 women, some from the Charleston Center and some from the community.  We had four who received the blue first time attending chip; one who received a 3 month of sobriety chip, one who received a 6 month chip and one who will receive a 1 year chip.   Last week we had one from our community who followed Jesus in baptism.  Can you see why it is called “Celebrate” Recovery!  Thank you for your faithful tithes and gifts that make this ministry possible.  It is making a difference.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom

The Heavens declare the glory of God (Psalm 19:1)

Let’s be clear, it is our goal to give glory to God and to live our lives in such a way as to give glory, honor and praise to Him.  It is never our goal to take the glory.  Here is the conundrum. If someone says too much about some thing God has done, small minded people might think that someone is “bragging” on what they, not God, has done.  Speak the word of praise anyway.

He is worthy to receive glory for what He does. When you speak of what God has done for you, you give Him the glory He is due, and you just might provide the word of encouragement someone else desperately needs to hear.  “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!”

The other side is also a temptation.  We think that by being humble and not giving God glory, not saying what He has done or is doing, we are “not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing.”   When it comes to doing good deeds or giving, there is the need for humility and modesty.  As Jesus said, we do not need to sound the trumpet when we are giving.  Here, we are talking about the work of God, something He is doing.  It might be through us or apart from us, but it is clearly the work of God.  We might find that we rob God of the glory He is due by remaining silent.

My thought today is that our Heavenly Father is continually doing wonderful things in, at, through, around, with, for, by, and inside the church family known as James Island Baptist.  You might not see it or hear about it.  I get it, with or without our testimony and praise, He is glorious. All of nature will proclaim His glory.  I just don’t want some rock taking my place in giving our Father praise and thanksgiving.

I had to come to the church campus very early the past Sunday morning.  It was just before  6:00 a.m., and it was still dark.  As I approached the church campus on Maybank Highway, the full moon was huge, bright completely round and centered right over the church worship center/sanctuary.    All nature will give Him glory whether I do or not.  I want to make a concerted effort to speak of His works, tell of His wonders, brag on His working all things together for good.  I am hoping my humility or lack of it will not cause me to miss the opportunities to acknowledge Him in all my ways.

“Praise God from whom all blessings flow.  Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above you heavenly host, praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Amen.”

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom

Sunday, September 11

This coming Sunday presents an unique opportunity for us.  It is the 10 year anniversary of a horrific day in our history.  Most of us can remember the details of where we were, what we were doing and can remember the days on end of non-stop news coverage of the attack on America and the massive loss of life.  It is, as President Roosevelt said of the Pearl Harbor attack, another date that will live in infamy.  We are planning to have a time, at the end of both services, to pause for prayer and to remember those who lost their lives, those who gave their lives in rescue efforts, and their families.

This Sunday will conclude the 10 week series of messages on “Values that Build Strong Families.”  We will walk through the 10 Commandments together, sings worshipful songs of praise and thanksgiving, then we will observe communion together.  It will be “The Lord’s Supper: As Memorial.”  A very appropriate time to focus on Jesus’ death and the Father’s love to willingly send His only Son to die for the sins of the world.  We will remember.

Let us never forget the amazing difference between the two events we will remember.  These radical, terrorist Muslims send other people’s sons and daughters to kill themselves and others.  (We should also remember that Muslim terrorists are not acting on behalf of all Muslims nor do all Muslims approve of such horrific actions.)  This is quite different from the God of the Bible, Yahweh, who gave His only Son to die so that others would not have to die.  That is radical love at its finest.

So, this Sunday, September 11 we will remember.  We will remember that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.  And we will remember those brave men and women, who put themselves in great harms way, many sacrificing themselves, in valiant attempts to save lives.  We will remember.  We will remember the thousands who lost their lives and the families and communities forever affected.  We will remember that freedom is not free.  Our spiritual freedom was not free…it cost our Father in Heaven.  Our political freedom as Americans is not free…men and women served at great cost to ensure our freedom.  We will remember.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom

Monday, August 29, 2011


I want to thank you for your continued prayers and patience during this interesting transition period for our church family.  For 8 years we have had a strong pastoral team working together. Now we are down to one full time staff person.  That means the rest of the staff and volunteers are picking up many of the duties.  As a result I find my time a little more stretched, and I am not as available for some activities.

The prospect that we brought up for a weekend, David Johnson, received very good reviews from our leadership team.  We invited over 40 of our leaders to meet and interview David and his wife Lauren.  At this time it looks like we may have hit a snag because of some significant health insurance needs on their part.  The door is not completely closed, but we are moving on with the search for a full time Worship and Small Group/Connection Pastor.  I have great confidence that our Father knows just what we need and is fully aware of the timing.

Until then, I want to thank Fred Hudson and our praise team (band and singers) for stepping up and doing a really good job.  It feels a little bit like a roller coaster ride changing from 8 years of one style, then the interim Timmy Glover (my continued thanks to Timmy for his help and service) and now with Fred and the Praise team leading.  Remember, our goal, no matter who is leading, is to give you the opportunity to enter into continual worship and to experience the presence of God as the gathered Body of Christ.  It is a continual temptation to think of worship as “something I like or do not like.”  The real question is not whether you like worship.  It is not for you.  The better question is did our Father like the worship?  Again, let me quote the old song:  “I’m coming back to the heart of worship and it is all about You, all about You, Jesus.”
With a little extra prayer and effort, let us make it all about Him.

See you Sunday.


This week the Charleston County Schools resume.  Wow, what a blur this summer has been.  I hope you and your family had a great summer and were able to enjoy some time off in spite of the unusually high summer temperatures.

Now, back to starting school.  For some parents that means the comfort of getting back into more dependable and predictable routines.  It also means some added stress of homework, new relationships, adjusting to new schedules etc.

I want to encourage you to add the start of the new school year to your prayer list.  When you ride by one of the schools in our area, let that be a call to prayer.  Pray for the administration, office workers and especially the teachers.  I really believe one of the best ways to positively influence the lives of children and teens is to be a public school teacher.  Jesus said we are to be salt and light.  If there ever was a place that needs light and some salt it would be our public school system.  It is a mission field.  Pray for our teachers.  They are often under paid and over worked.  They daily interact with our children.

On a personal, James Island Baptist note, I want to ask you to pray for the new James Island High School Head football coach, our own Randy Hilyer.  Talk about a great opportunity filled with good stress and bad stress.  Pray for Coach Hilyer.  Many of us were influenced by the coaches we had through our life time.  He will have a unique opportunity to impact the lives of his team, the student body, coaches, parents, faculty, etc.  Randy is a follower of our Lord Jesus, he loves his family and has served James Island as a teacher and coach for years.  Pray for him as he takes on this exciting new challenge.  Pastor Brent will be partnering with him as the Chaplain for the football team.  When we can, let’s go out and see the home team play!

Schools back…it’s a great time to focus and increase our prayers.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing.

Significant Shift in Our Culture

Dr. Thom Rainer is the president and C.E.O. of LifeWay Christian Resources, formerly known as our “Sunday School Board.”  He cut his teeth, so to speak, at Southern Seminary where he taught and did research about current trends in America, Southern Baptist Churches and North American Christianity.  I have read several of his books and look forward to reading his latest that he coauthored with his son, Jess Rainer.

The title of his new book is “The Millennials.”  It is a collection of his research and findings after a massive research project.   Millennials are those born between the years 1980 and 2000.  His research focused on the older portion of that group, those born between 1980 and 1991, those between the ages of  20 and 31…if my math serves me correctly.

Here is the significant shift: this generation has now become the largest generation in American history, surpassing the long reigning champion of this category, the Baby Boomers.  There is much that I am very excited about this generation.  Research shows they desire to be mentored and learn from the older generations; they have a generally gentle spirit and do not like the current lack of civility in politics or churches that are prone to be negative and divisive.  They like transparency and authenticity…keeping it real.  They are not asking “what about me” as much as “how can I make things better?” and  “What can I contribute?”   They desire to serve others and are family oriented.

To me, they sound like a very kindred spirit to the greatest generation in our recent history, the Builder Generation.  There is a lot of promise in this generation.  Thom Rainer says that they are watching us closely.

What will they see at JIBC? 

It is a major shift in our society.  Our job is not so much to create the waves, but to ride the waves that come.  Let’s get busy paddling, looking for the next thing God is doing to reach this large generation.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing.

Prospective Staff Member This Sunday

This weekend JIBC is hosting a prospective staff member.  We have received and reviewed over 100
resumes during this process.  We are looking to find a full time person for the position of Worship and Connection/Small Group Pastor.  We have interviewed several and have one or two that we are taking to the next step.  The one coming this weekend is David Johnson.  He is currently living in Orlando, Florida. (No, I did not meet him at Disney World!)  He has already been up to visit us once and worked with Pastor Brent during the “Love God/Serve Charleston” Week of Mission back in June.

While we do not know this is “the one” for us, we do feel confident enough to have David and his wife, Lauren, up for an extended weekend.  He will be meeting with our Praise Team/ Worship Band Thursday night, meeting with the larger leadership team on Friday night and then leading in worship on Sunday morning.  Then we will meet together and process the weekend with him. (That may have to take place at Disney World, closer to David’s home. Just joking.)

We are asking you to continue in prayer.  We have every confidence that our Father is able to do more than we ever have the faith to ask.  We trust He will continue to lead and give guidance.  You have heard me describe this process as periods of “dating, engagement and marriage”.  We have dated many prospective staff members during the resume and interview process.  Now, we are down to dating just two or three.  Having David here this weekend will give him and our leadership a better sense of going to the next step of engagement.  During this next phase, we will handle the important issues and details that will help us and David make a decision.

So, again, I say let us continue to seek Him in prayer.  This is just another step in the long journey. We are seeking someone who will come and do life with the family we call James Island Baptist.  It is a wonderful time is our church history.

See You Sunday, good Lord willing.