Friday, January 13, 2012


 It has been several years since our last Olan Mills produced church directory.  We are scheduled to have another one made on February 23-25 and then again March 1-3.  It is not too early to start looking at your calendar to see if you have a preference on when you would like or be willing to have your picture made.  We will begin signing up on Sundays January 15, 22, 29 and February 5.

Now, let’s talk.  First, I get it that some people just do not want their picture taken. In this case, remember, it is not just about you.  This is one of the absolute fastest ways to put names and faces together.  Most of us feel bad when we recognize a face but can not put a name with it.  We might want to send a get well or birthday card but we do not have the address.  The church directory is a good way to remedy some of that. So, it is a kind deed to have your picture taken, an act of building fellowship and community.  It is worth while.

Second, the only way for you to get a church directory is to have your picture in the church directory.  All extra copies are given out to new families that join JIBC after the pictorial directory time has ended.  You might find someone to sell you theirs…the going price is around $100.00. (lol…by the way you know that means laugh out loud?)

Third, the good news is that it does not have to cost you anything.  You are not required to buy the pictures and Olan Mills is pretty good about not putting pressure on you to buy.  They are usually such good pictures, the pressure is from us, not from them.  In the past everyone would receive a free 8X10 and a free directory for participating.  Olan Mills has made it a little better.  Every family photographed still gets a free directory.  But instead of a free 8X10 they give you a voucher to buy a free 8X10 or to put toward a package.  They found out that some did not want 8X10 but did want pictures. (I am telling you Olan Mills is the best when it comes to making church directories.)

Janie and I really do not need another picture of us.  But we are always wanting and needing pictures of the kids and grandkids.  And I kind of like the idea of my picture being up somewhere in the grandkids house.  So, we will gladly have our picture taken.  Maybe they will let us do an entire family portrait?  That would be fun.

BTW, I am pretty sure the directory will be on line.  You can view it from your computer, your phone or tablet.  You’re sitting is Starbucks and in walks old “what’s his name”?  No problem before he completes his order, you have gone on line to, clicked on the directory and found his name and picture.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing.

Pastor Tom