Friday, January 13, 2012


Why have a series on 40 Days in the Word of God?  The better question would be “Why not?”  There is every reason to lead our church family in a church wide effort to spend 40 Days getting deeper into God’s Word.  Now, why 40 days?  Why not 90 days?  When you read through the Bible there seems to be a significant number of major events that were 40 days.

Jesus fasted for 40 days in the wilderness as he started his earthly ministry.  Much of what we have recorded about that particular event was “in the Word of God.”  That alone would be enough…I want us to imitate and follow the example of Jesus.

Moses was on the holy mount receiving the Ten Commandments for 40 Days.  Again, for some mysterious reason, it was 40 days, not 50, 60, or 90.  So, in the Old Testament, you have Moses spending 40 days in an intensive encounter with the Word of God, then in the New Testament we have Jesus, our Lord and Savior, spending 40 days, also with an intensive involvement with the Word of God.  Pretty good reason wouldn’t you say?

I was reading several reports that suggest it takes 6 weeks to start a new habit or 6 weeks to stop a bad habit.  Guess what?  Just at 40 days.  It is kind of interesting to have the Bible record several, not just two, events that focused on the particular number of 40 days.  Then to add some research that suggest you need just at 40 days, 6 weeks, to start or stop a new habit like reading, memorizing, meditating, applying, or studying the Word of God.

QUESTION:  What if my class does not want to participate in 40 Days in the Word of God with the rest of the church family?

ANSWER:  Hard to imagine why you would not, but of course, you are free to continue the excellent Bible Study you have every week.  Your weekly Bible Study material will not be discontinued.  You or your class could continue to stay in the same material.  No problem.

QUESTION 2:  What if I want to be involved but my regular Bible Study group is not?

ANSWER:  No problem, we anticipate having many connection groups you could join.  Some may be very near where you live, others may be with people you already know, most will be in the evening, but some may be in the day time.  You could also temporarily visit another Adult Bible Study class that will be participating in the 40 Days In the Word of God, and after the 6 weeks, you would return to your regular Bible Study group.

To quote our good friends at Chick-Fil-A…It is our pleasure to serve you!    Pastor Tom