Monday, January 30, 2012


First, the Transition House-180 Ministry.  By the time you read this article, we will have our first resident living in the Transition House at JIBC.  Our volunteer Director, Marsha Cline spent her first night there this past Sunday night.  She will begin making it her home and will be the live in ‘house mom.” We have an interview for our second resident this week and could place the third any time we are ready.  I think we might start with two and get our feet wet, so to speak.  Thank you to all who prayed, worked, donated time, labor, and finances.  Here it is, up and running with a waiting list to get in.  Praise the Lord.

Second, Celebrate Recovery.  I knew this ministry could be strong in time, but I had no idea it could do so well so quickly.  We have a great team leading this ministry, and in almost every way, it is a text-book example of how Celebrate Recovery should be run.  Last Sunday we had 40 adults.  It is a little like nailing jello to the wall, but with enough creativity, you can nail jello! With God all things are possible.

Third, 40 Days in the Word of God.  We have done several 40 Day church wide spiritual campaigns before.  All of them were worthwhile, and all of them proved to be productive.  So I wondered how this one would go.  Wow.  We have had great response.  David Johnson is new to our staff leading Worship and Connection Groups.  In the middle of getting settled into his new home and city, we give him one of the largest, most difficult ministries to tackle.  He has done a good job.  Don’t hold up the standard of perfection, except to Jesus.  The rest of us are due grace and prayers as we lead and equip the saints to do the work of Christ.

I am very excited when I see what is happening.  There are far more than these three ministries.  Weekly, our church family joins together to help disciple children, youth, and adults through Bible Study, Awana, Youth Worship, Children’s worship, etc, etc.  We are not just spinning our wheels maintaining the status quo of committees we have always had, doing what we have always done, and getting the same results we have always gotten.  We are making headway, taking the Light of the World into dark places, and seeing individuals and families rescued, neighborhoods getting better as lives are changed, and believers engage in serving.  You are the salt that makes a difference.  You are the light shining in your neighborhood.

Pastor Tom

Monday, January 23, 2012


Those are exciting words if you are a Nascar fan.  It means the race is about to start, get in your seat, put your head set on, and get ready to enjoy the race.

If I could paraphrase those famous words just a little:  “FOLLOWERS OF JESUS, IGNITE YOUR FAITH, FIRE UP YOUR PRAYERS, AND START YOUR SPIRITUAL ENGINES!”  We are just two weeks from kicking off several outstanding ministries here at JIBC.

First, the 40 Days in the Word of God.  Here the words of our Lord: “If you abide in my Word you are really my disciples.”  John 8:31.  The prayer for this 40 Day spiritual journey is to lead our family to abide, more deeply abide, begin to abide, or continue to abide in the precious Word of God.  Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, my prayer is you will greatly benefit from this 7 week time of fellowship and discipleship.  I pray we will learn to love the Bible as we have never loved it before, to learn the Bible as we have never learned it before, and to live the Bible as we have never lived it before.

I am so personally committed to this; I will be leading two groups.  Janie and I will be leading a Tuesday night group at our home.  I will also be leading an open group on Wednesday nights at the JIBC campus.  This Wednesday night group is open to anyone who is not in another group, maybe missed a time with their group, or their Sunday Bible Study class, for some reason, is not joining us for the 40 Days in the Word.

This is going to be good.  Your spiritual life can be stronger, your Bible Study class or small group will be better equipped, your knowledge of the Bible can soar.  Best of all, you will no doubt come to know our Father and His love even better and that will lead you to love Him even more passionately.
Any of the staff will help you find a group or figure it out.  Just ask Dave, Brent, Neale, Jess or myself. We will help you get connected.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing.
Pastor Tom

Monday, January 16, 2012


Years ago there was a popular and wildly successful advertising campaign for Certs breath mints.  Do you remember it?  “Two, two, it’s two mints in one.”  Was it a breath mint or a candy mint?  It was two mints in one.  It was memorable, successful, and will not be forgotten by an entire generation.

That is my prayer for the coming month of February.  Two, two, two blessings in one.  We are doubling the opportunity for you to be blessed.  The entire month of January will be given to advertising and encouraging you to claim both blessings, two in one, so to speak.

Blessing number one:  40 Days in the Word.
Starting February 5th, James Island Baptist will begin a church wide spiritual journey that can positively transform your life and the life of JIBC.  We are providing multiple ways to be a part:  Sunday Bible Study classes, weekday connection groups that meet in homes, different nights and different communities, and a Wednesday night “make up” class if you happen to miss your connection groups meeting.  We have 14 who have agreed to “host” this 7 week spiritual journey into the Word of God.  The goal is simple:  Love the Word of God like you have never loved it before-Learn the Word of God like you have never learned it before-Live the Word of God like you have never lived it before.   Please take a look at your calendar soon and put this down.  February-March, 7 Weeks, 40 Days in the Word of God.

Got questions?  Call me at 762-0244.

Blessing number two:  Church Wide Pictorial Directory. 
I will agree that there are basically two types of people in the world.  Those who say there are two types of people and those who don’t.  Ok, maybe four types if you add those who like to have there picture taken and those who do not.  Here is the deal.  First, having a church wide pictorial directory is a great tool for fellowship.  Think of how many names and faces we will be able to put together.  No more “Hi, uh, Bubba?” or “How you doing, you ol’….person you?”  Now, we can casually look up the face or the name and have a match.  I think almost everyone would like to have that kind of tool.  Here is the catch.  It is only as helpful as the number of people who participate.  The more faces and families, the more we can improve on the “Heyyy, you!” because we can’t remember names.  Second, the only way to get the directory is to have your picture put in.  The church directory will not be available to everyone.  It is a one copy for each “family”.  That means if you are an individual getting your picture made-one directory.  If you are a couple-one copy.  If you are a family of 5-one copy.  Good news, that copy is free.  You also get a voucher that will allow you to get a free 8x10 or put that voucher price toward a different package if you want to.

See what I mean?  Two, two, two blessings in one.  Sign up for both will take place over the next three weeks.  Check your calendars for the February 23-25 and/or the March 1-3 Olan Mills picture shoots.  Find a time that suites you and sign up soon.

“If you abide in my Word, then you are truly my disciples.”  John 8:31.
Pastor Tom

Friday, January 13, 2012


Why have a series on 40 Days in the Word of God?  The better question would be “Why not?”  There is every reason to lead our church family in a church wide effort to spend 40 Days getting deeper into God’s Word.  Now, why 40 days?  Why not 90 days?  When you read through the Bible there seems to be a significant number of major events that were 40 days.

Jesus fasted for 40 days in the wilderness as he started his earthly ministry.  Much of what we have recorded about that particular event was “in the Word of God.”  That alone would be enough…I want us to imitate and follow the example of Jesus.

Moses was on the holy mount receiving the Ten Commandments for 40 Days.  Again, for some mysterious reason, it was 40 days, not 50, 60, or 90.  So, in the Old Testament, you have Moses spending 40 days in an intensive encounter with the Word of God, then in the New Testament we have Jesus, our Lord and Savior, spending 40 days, also with an intensive involvement with the Word of God.  Pretty good reason wouldn’t you say?

I was reading several reports that suggest it takes 6 weeks to start a new habit or 6 weeks to stop a bad habit.  Guess what?  Just at 40 days.  It is kind of interesting to have the Bible record several, not just two, events that focused on the particular number of 40 days.  Then to add some research that suggest you need just at 40 days, 6 weeks, to start or stop a new habit like reading, memorizing, meditating, applying, or studying the Word of God.

QUESTION:  What if my class does not want to participate in 40 Days in the Word of God with the rest of the church family?

ANSWER:  Hard to imagine why you would not, but of course, you are free to continue the excellent Bible Study you have every week.  Your weekly Bible Study material will not be discontinued.  You or your class could continue to stay in the same material.  No problem.

QUESTION 2:  What if I want to be involved but my regular Bible Study group is not?

ANSWER:  No problem, we anticipate having many connection groups you could join.  Some may be very near where you live, others may be with people you already know, most will be in the evening, but some may be in the day time.  You could also temporarily visit another Adult Bible Study class that will be participating in the 40 Days In the Word of God, and after the 6 weeks, you would return to your regular Bible Study group.

To quote our good friends at Chick-Fil-A…It is our pleasure to serve you!    Pastor Tom


 It has been several years since our last Olan Mills produced church directory.  We are scheduled to have another one made on February 23-25 and then again March 1-3.  It is not too early to start looking at your calendar to see if you have a preference on when you would like or be willing to have your picture made.  We will begin signing up on Sundays January 15, 22, 29 and February 5.

Now, let’s talk.  First, I get it that some people just do not want their picture taken. In this case, remember, it is not just about you.  This is one of the absolute fastest ways to put names and faces together.  Most of us feel bad when we recognize a face but can not put a name with it.  We might want to send a get well or birthday card but we do not have the address.  The church directory is a good way to remedy some of that. So, it is a kind deed to have your picture taken, an act of building fellowship and community.  It is worth while.

Second, the only way for you to get a church directory is to have your picture in the church directory.  All extra copies are given out to new families that join JIBC after the pictorial directory time has ended.  You might find someone to sell you theirs…the going price is around $100.00. (lol…by the way you know that means laugh out loud?)

Third, the good news is that it does not have to cost you anything.  You are not required to buy the pictures and Olan Mills is pretty good about not putting pressure on you to buy.  They are usually such good pictures, the pressure is from us, not from them.  In the past everyone would receive a free 8X10 and a free directory for participating.  Olan Mills has made it a little better.  Every family photographed still gets a free directory.  But instead of a free 8X10 they give you a voucher to buy a free 8X10 or to put toward a package.  They found out that some did not want 8X10 but did want pictures. (I am telling you Olan Mills is the best when it comes to making church directories.)

Janie and I really do not need another picture of us.  But we are always wanting and needing pictures of the kids and grandkids.  And I kind of like the idea of my picture being up somewhere in the grandkids house.  So, we will gladly have our picture taken.  Maybe they will let us do an entire family portrait?  That would be fun.

BTW, I am pretty sure the directory will be on line.  You can view it from your computer, your phone or tablet.  You’re sitting is Starbucks and in walks old “what’s his name”?  No problem before he completes his order, you have gone on line to, clicked on the directory and found his name and picture.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing.

Pastor Tom