Thursday, November 8, 2018


The teaching series for the three weeks leading up to Thanksgiving is “Seasoned With Thanksgiving”. I am praying that we will continue to build this spiritual discipline, this spiritual habit, into the very DNA of our lives, our Connection Groups and our Church Family. Everything we do…seasoned with Thanksgiving.

A Verse to memorize: Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” In your anxious times, give thanks; in your prayer times, give thanks; when you need the peace of God, give thanks,; when you are guarding your heart, give thanks. Season everything you do with thanks!

A Chapter to meditate on: Psalm 100. “Enter His gates with thanksgiving…give thanks to Him…For the Lord is good.” Try taking time this week to read and re-read Psalm 100. It is an invitation to worship the Lord. Imagine our Good and Gracious Lord inviting you into His presence. How do you prepare, what do you say? Thanksgiving must be on the list. It is the appropriate response to any revelation God makes to us…praise and thanksgiving.

A Story: Luke 17:11-19 is a great story about one who returned to say thank you to Jesus. It changed his life forever. Such is the goodness of God, the mercy of our Lord Jesus and the power of giving thanks.

We will culminate this series on the Sunday before Thanksgiving when we will give thanks for a precious soul ready to be baptized; observing the Eucharist/Lord’s Supper; recognizing all the new members that have joined JIBC this last year. Let’s season it all with thanksgiving.

By the way, this past Sunday night we had almost 40 adults at Celebrate Recovery, maybe 15 to 20 in the Student Bible Study, a dozen or so in Celebration Station for Children. In the adult CR, we had 3 who were new, 4 who celebrated 30 days of “sobriety” (not all who attend are alcohol or drug related), 1 who celebrated 1 year sober and one who celebrated 3 years sober, and 4 who brought friends. Thank you all who make CR a real celebration.

Until we gather again, may your life be “Seasoned with Thanksgiving”!

Pastor Tom