Tuesday, November 20, 2018


It was a wonderful Thanksgiving Sunday! Could it have been better? Hard to imagine. Kevin and Nancy Walsh were back from an unbelievable series of circumstances. When they entered the worship center, the church family erupted in applause. The worship was strong and enthusiastic. I have to believe part of it was because our attendance was backup and more voices means more praise!

Our Kitchen Krew is the best ever! They served the entire church family a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. Homeless people ate to their hearts content, the Hispanic church joined us after their worship service and had plenty of food to enjoy. If that was not enough, the Kitchen Krew came back and served 55 more at Celebrate Recovery Sunday night. Well done to all our cooks, servers, volunteers, etc. Well done!

One of the most exciting parts about the day of Thanksgiving: It was one year ago that we had the ingathering offering for Daring Faith: Renovating Believers and Buildings. Imagine all that has been accomplished in the renovation projects. Accomplished, paid for and checked off the list. We roofed all of the church buildings; resurfaced the front and back parking lots; added the new sign and the row of protection bollards (the boxes with lighting have concrete poles to protect life and property); added sidewalk and safety curbing; landscaped; completely remodeled the fellowship hall from top to bottom, floor to lighting! During all that time, we still met and exceeded the goal for Shoeboxes, sent supplies to hurricane relief, collected jelly for James Island Outreach, etc, etc. To God be the glory.

If you are looking for a way to give an extra gift of thanksgiving, may I recommend you consider the Daring Faith Renovation? The next phase is one of the most exciting…adding a new entrance and the elevator. Some of our members and friends have given a large one time financial offering. Some prefer to make a monthly gift. You see what God is able to do with His family. I believe your financial gifts are well used and are intended to bring God glory and help us reach His community with love and the Gospel. Your generous giving allows us to feed the church family at no charge; to offer food to the homeless, to feed the patients from the Charleston Center each week, to maintain the Transition House, and so, so much more. Thank you for your prayers, your service and your financial gifts. May your life be seasoned with thanksgiving, now and forever.

Pastor Tom