Wednesday, November 14, 2018


This Sunday, November 18 is our Annual Thanksgiving Celebration. There is an abundance of great things to thank God for this year! Let me share a few:

First, we want to recognize and thank God for all of our new church family members and friends. This Sunday, we will invite everyone who has joined JIBC or one of our Connection Groups this year to come forward. We will take a picture for our history books and join together to say thanks to God for adding to His church family!

Second, we will observe the Lord’s Supper as the focal point of the worship service. The “Seasoned With Thanksgiving” series will conclude this Sunday as we give thanks for the Body and the Blood, given by God’s grace to redeem us.

Third, we will have a church wide Thanksgiving Dinner. You don’t want to miss this wonderful time of fellowship and feasting. Get to know some new faces and rub shoulders with some new friends. You do not have to bring anything but a good appetite. If you want to bring your favorite dessert, that will be great. By the way, all the finishing touches have been made of the Fellowship Hall just in time for this Thanksgiving Meal! Another Daring Faith project completed.

Fourth, Sunday night you can choose from two great options. One, join us each week, any week for Celebrate Recovery. God is at work setting the captives free. The meal is served at 5:30 and the Celebration Service starts at 6:30. The second option is the James Island Community Thanksgiving Service at 6:00 pm being hosted by First Baptist Church, James Island on Camp Road. This is always a great service of praise and thanksgiving. Bring some jelly or a cash offering as a part of the service. This is usually one of the best experiences of the year.

Thanksgiving Sunday is seasoned with thanksgiving. Take advantage of a great day, join us for worship, fellowship, mission, ministry and mission.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

Pastor Tom