Wednesday, February 27, 2019

It is happening!

The framing for the new entrance and the elevator is taking place. It is wonderfully noisy around the office. There is a temporary door frame around the exit. This is not a part of the permanent plan. This is to allow the workers access in and out as they work on the new exit and to keep all of us from walking into a construction zone. But it is really starting to take shape. A couple of things to remind you about:

First, when the workers removed the dedication plate from 1949 they found a time capsule. A copper box was found behind the wall plate. Everyone loves a mystery, right? Now, we are thinking…more like scheming…to find the best way to have an opening and revealing event. No one, not even me, has looked inside, so I really, do not know what is in it. It could be a Geraldo Rivera moment when he opened Al Capone’s vault…and there was nothing. Care to take a guess as to the contents inside? By the way, do we have any charter members still attending that would have been present in 1949? Let me know, I have an offer to make! More to come on when and how we will have the big reveal party! Lol

Second, remember, we have a contest going for naming the elevator. You can send it to my email at or write it on the green sheet on Sunday. There will be prizes involved. Just a little hint…I already have a wing dinger involving Donnie Almond! It is not the winner, but it is a good one! Who doesn’t love Donnie?

Third, we are planning the time of celebration for the Entrance and Elevator dedication. There will still be a sidewalk to finish and some landscaping. But it is coming together.

We are thanking God for bringing us this far in Daring Faith: Renovation Believers and Renovating Buildings. It has been such a success and blessing at every level. Our goal is to be able to pay off the Elevator and the Entrance as soon as the work is completed. I know that sounds like a lot. We know it can be done and we believe it will happen. As soon as we have a projected completion date we will let the church family know.

See you this Sunday, good Lord willing.

Pastor Tom