Thursday, February 14, 2019


Years ago…OK, back in the stone ages when I was in college, this conversation happened. A group of pastors were discussing theology, particularly when would Jesus return. As you might know, there are more than a few views concerning the Second Coming of Christ. Some people hold their views with very strong and outspoken conviction. The discussion was, well let’s say, heating up. It was more smoke than light being shared. My buddy, probably the smartest in the group, spoke up and said: “Hey, let’s go lead someone to the Lord and then come back and discuss this!” See what he did there? When in doubt…reach out. When you are struggling, help someone else who is in need. When you are distracted, even by something good, reaching out to someone in need may help you get back in focus.

I know it is already February and Valentine’s Day happens this week. Even so, let me share some Christmas news. In the middle of a church wide mission of Daring Faith: Renovating Hearts and Renovating Buildings, God did a wonderful thing. We are trying to raise over $500,000 for renovations that need to be done and are long overdue. One would think that a church family and friends giving their tithes and offerings AND giving to a renovation program would limit other giving. In fact, this past December JIBC gave the second largest Lottie Moon Christmas Offering in over 20 years. Over $11,511 was given to International Missions. That is in addition to Co-operative Program giving, in addition to the Advent Giving of Jelly, Cooking Oil, Diapers and Pajamas. Those who give generously continue to give generously. Thank you for your loving hearts and your generous giving.

I think this same lesson can be applied to our individual lives and to our families. Are you stuck in a rut? Reach out…do something for someone in need. Are you in a rough place at work? Find a way to help someone else. When in doubt…reach out. Having such a strategy can help refocus and redirect our feelings. It could be the way our Father plans to bring healing to our hearts and minds. Reaching out might not make our struggle go away…but it might. If the trouble does not go away, at least it will have to wade through love and joy to make its way back to your heart and mind. How are you reaching out? How is your connection group reaching out? Don’t be shy about sharing what you are doing. It might spark an idea for someone else. And don’t be shy about asking for ideas on how to reach out…there are plenty of ways. One of them will surely be in your wheel house.

See you Sunday, Pastor Tom