Wednesday, March 11, 2020


It has been a while since anything dominated the news like this latest virus. The news media has a tough job of keeping everyone informed without spreading false and unhelpful fear mongering. It really is a daunting task. So what is the response of our church and our faith?

First, can we all agree that good hygiene practices are worth doing all the time? It is flu season with or without corona virus. As they say on cruise ships… “washy, washy”. Every expert I have seen and heard has encouraged the basic practice of washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Thank you. Go to the restroom, wash your hands; been touching a lot of surfaces, wash your hands. Just good, basic hygiene practices.

Second is what Doctor Oz calls social distancing. Let’s back off of handshakes, hugs and kisses on the cheek for the flu season. This really can cut down on exposure. Add to this one the frequent use of hand sanitizer. A really hard practice is to not touch your face. Avoid, as much as possible, touching your eyes, mouth and nose. * I think the experiment Sunday caught me touching my face 4 times! Lol.

Third, if you are sick, stay home. Please don’t bless others with the gift that keeps on giving. That will be particularly hard for those who cannot work from home. So, if you are sick and have to go out, that would be a great time to wear the little masks if you have them available. At least practice social distancing. Coughing and sneezing into the bend of your arm/elbow seems to be a standard acceptable practice.

Fourth, last but not least, let’s add prayer and scripture. Really. Let’s pray for those who do research and provide care for the sick; pray for the sick and their families; pray for those who are most vulnerable. Pray for our missionaries and those who have planned mission trips to affected parts of the world. Let’s seek God’s mercy and grace, His wisdom and power. Read Psalm 91 when you have a moment. It is not like our Father has never dealt with this before. Watch for what God is doing and be ready to join Him.

Greet me Sunday with the new “knuckle bump” or “chicken wing”!

Pastor Tom