So, here are the steps: First, pray for our Father to lay on your heart the name of someone you would pray for during the next 30 days. Fill out one of the bookmark cards and name the person you will be lifting up. Any Sunday between now and Easter, you may come forward and put that person’s name at the cross on stage in the sanctuary. We will have a dedicated time of prayer each week for the people for whom we are praying. If you cannot attend, but would like to participate, call the office or send us an email with the name you are praying for and we will take it to the cross for you.
Second, we have provided a 30 Day Prayer Journal that has Scripture to read and a prayer to pray. It is not long or complicated. I have been using this guide since the beginning of February in my own quiet time. It does not replace my quiet time, it is just a few moments I made a part of my quiet time alone with God. It really is short and to the point. The 30 days begins whenever you begin. We do not have to all start on the same day.
Third, start praying that God would show you how you can share your story and the Gospel with the person you for whom you are praying. It might be as general as inviting them to the Easter worship service and out to dinner afterwards. It might be building a relationship that will allow you to earn the right to be heard some day in the future. We will be sharing different ways to God might lead us share His story.
Who’s Your One? You might not know yet. How cool would that be if you really felt in your heart the Spirit of God lead you to think of a name? Someone you know that is near to you but far from God. I am praying and asking. To God be the glory.
Pastor Tom