Those are great words for the guilty soul. “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:1
For the next four weeks I will be teaching through one of the greatest chapters in the Bible, Romans 8. The theme for this series will be “In Christ Jesus”. Many of you are already vey familiar with Romans 8 because it contains several of our favorite Bible verses several of our favorite Bible passages. So, let’s camp out here for a few weeks. Could I make a suggestion for you? Romans 8 is not too long of a chapter, only 39 verses. I am a slow reader, but I think I could read it in five minutes or so. My wife, Janie, is a fast reader and she could read it twice by the time I open my Bible! Would you add Romans 8 to your daily Bible reading? Just add it to whatever you are currently doing. Maybe read Romans 8 five times, Monday through Friday, each week for the month of January. Your walk with our Lord will be blessed, it really will be.
Now, could I really stretch the ask? There are some great verses to memorize. Would you stretch out and try to memorize a few of these verses? Romans 8:1, 5-8, 16, 26-27, 28-30, any of 31-39! I know, it is almost trying to memorize the whole chapter. If there was ever a chapter to memorize, this would be in consideration. Just pick out 3 or 4, maybe one verse for each week.
If you have been through Class 201 with me you have heard this before: here are 3 keys to memorizing scripture: review, review and review! Buy a pack of 3x5 cards, write down one verse, carry it with you or leave it somewhere you will see it often. Even if you do not successfully memorize the verse, you will be blessed for trying. “Faith comes from hearing…” so let your faith grow!
So what if you are not up to the challenge or you just don’t want to? In that case, refer back to Romans 8:1…“Therefore, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”
Praying for you and your loved ones as you live your life “In Christ Jesus”. See you Sunday good Lord willing!
Pastor Tom