Worship is not the only thing the church does. It is however a main thing, a priority among the things we do. We also make disciples; serve others using our spiritual giftedness; reach people who need to know Him; go outside the church campus to reach the lost. And we worship. I think of worship as the enabling power that fuels all that we do. We might be able to do outreach, ministry, fellowship and discipleship without worship. But these is no doubt we can do these things better when inspired by, encouraged by and fueled by our regular genuine encounters with God through worship. Those times of worship can be weekly as we gather or daily as we seek and surrender to Him. We also remember that our lifestyle is in some ways an act of worship.
There is no one way or right way to worship. We all may have our favorite styles and traditions on how we worship. Some are quiet and serene while others are loud and celebrative. Worship comes in many styles and, traditions. I tend to think God is worthy of all of them. To me, the key to worship is that you are seeking to encounter our Father in Heaven and the Lord Jesus Christ. We seek to worship Him in spirit and in truth. I think I can be at home with any believers, even if they are worshipping in a way that is new or foreign to me. The goal is to worship: exalt His Name; praise and adore; celebrate and confess; pray and listen. Some traditions may help you do these things easier than others. Just remember, the worship is not about what you like. It is about what He likes. So, let us stay in the Word of God seeking “direction” from His book on worship. Let’s seek to worship Him in spirit and in truth. Our worship should be as important and as connected as our discipleship, our fellowship, our service, and our mission. It is a good quote: the reason we go on mission is because they don’t have Worship. Once they have worship of the True and Living God, our mission changes direction.
Worship? Why, yes, thank you. I love worshipping with JIBC. This past Sunday was a delight for my spirit. Out praise team and tech team were outstanding. Their service to Him helps us to entering into a worshipful spirit. May our Father in Heaven be pleased and may He be blessed.
See you Sunday as we continue through Romans 8.
Pastor Tom