Wednesday, January 10, 2024


Sometimes we may hesitate to try something because we don’t want to get “stuck”. Some cell phone deals can be like that. You sign without reading the itsy bitsy fine print. You go to change and find out you and your children are bound to the same provider for all eternity…or you could buy your way out. No one wants to experience that kind of buyer’s remorse.

So what if you could “try out” a ministry without making a lifetime commitment to it? That would be a pretty good deal. Let me tell you about a ministry that will allow you to try it out, take it for a spin so to speak, and then decide if it is for you. You could start at the easiest of positions while watching what helpers and leaders do. Sound interesting?

So, what are you doing on Wednesday evenings? God has greatly blessed the Awana Ministry at JIBC. We have over 90, count ‘em, over 90 children enrolled. That, my friend, is fantastic! It is a work of the Lord to entrust those children to us. So, how could you try an entry level position to see if you like it or not?

First, let’s get you on the “I am only trying it out list”. Marie Smith (Commander ReRe) Joanne Brown and Kat Cumberledge will give you the super powerful “get out of jail” card. Really. It’s a new thing we are trying out. JK.

The entry level position in Awana is one of the coolest positions of all…you are a LISTENER. Really, you listen to children who are trying to memorize the verse of the week. You hold the card with the verse, so you don’t actually have to memorize it. You just help the child to memorize it. They repeat it, you affirm they got it right or show them where they may have missed. Easy peasy…with one exception. Oh oh, here it comes. What is the one exception? You have to be present. We have not figured out a way to face time this ministry. It really is a ministry of presence.

So, we will sweeten the pot for you. For all “newbies” just trying and volunteering for the first, we will provide you with a free Wednesday night meal for a month! You and your family. You just have to let me know so I can make the arrangements.

Tell me when you have ever been offered a deal like that? You go from Wednesday night boredom to Wednesday night first step discipleship of the next generation. Just a thought!

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,

Pastor Tom