Thursday, January 18, 2024


I think that sometimes followers of Jesus believe that following Jesus means you will not experience storms in your life. The Bible actually records some interesting stories about the followers of Jesus being caught in an actual storm. Their panic is understandable. But the presence of Jesus right there in their boat resulted in the storm being calmed and their fears being relieved.

I know we have a variety of storms that come our way: emotional, financial, spiritual, relationships, health, etc. I am not sure I would want to pick which kind of storm I would prefer. I do believe all of us will find ourselves in life’s storms from time to time. Psalm 107:29 says “He calms the storm”. That is a promise I want to hold on to. I like the way the Gospel song says it: “Sometimes He calms the storm, other times He calms His child.” Either way, I am looking for and asking for calm.

Following Jesus does not mean you will be exempt from the storms of life. In fact, being a follower of Jesus may lead you into a storm or two that you would not have faced before your relationship with Christ. One person said it this way: “Remember that not all storms come to disrupt your life; some come to clear a path”. Whatever storm you may be facing my prayer for you is that it clears a path for you to get back into the presence of God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Father, please clear a path through our fear and anxiety; blow out and remove all that hinders us from trusting you even when we do not see you; bless us that we would keep our eyes on you and not the storm or our fears. We acknowledge and praise you as our Savior who is Lord over all, even the storms. Amen

See you this Sunday, good Lord willing, as we look at the story of our Lord stilling the storm in the Gospel of Mark 4:35-41.

Pastor Tom