Do you like to daydream? I mean think about things that could be. I do like to daydream about places I want to visit. Janie and I fulfilled a lifelong dream of going to the Grand Canyon. It was everything I hoped it would be. Now, we are dreaming about part two…seeing the other side or the other rim. It might happen. Reality is that I enjoy dreaming about such trips. They are attainable and not that out of reach. It just takes a little planning.
Now, let’s daydream together about a mission project or an outreach opportunity. I do not have a specific one in mind…I just want to invite you to dream about one. I heard a great story of someone dreaming (and working) toward a project of providing shoes to a homeless man. It was wonderfully more involved that just handing a guy a pair of shoes. It was conversation, building a bridge of friendship, involving others. I like that a lot: a daydream that turned into a mission of mercy.
Now, here is the really fun part for me: imagine two hundred people daydreaming about how they might reach out to others, help those in need, “scratch an itch” and meet a need. It could start small… buy a pair of shoes and socks from Goodwill and make a friend.
I recently met some soon to be new friends that operate 3 recovery houses on Johns Island. One of my friends lives there now. I never knew this place existed on Johns Island. So, I start daydreaming. How could we partner with this group to do a community wide outreach effort ? I like daydreaming about fighting Goliath a gigantic challenge. What could God do? God is in the business to reach, redeem and restore a lost and broken world. We are in business to join Him. So for now, I am daydreaming on how we could join God in bringing Good News to those who are oppressed by addiction. I don’t have an answer…but I do have a daydream.
How about you? Ever had a passing thought that would lead you to reach outside of your usual comfort zone? Just spend a few moments in quiet asking the Holy Spirit to speak. See if He can help connect the dots of your daydream. I love that about JIBC. You are so willing to give, pray and go.
See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom