“Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good;
For His steadfast love endures forever!”
1 Chronicles 16:34
Let’s spend some time today giving thanks to the Lord, for He is indeed, God. As we like to say: God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Allow me to give thanks for a few things.
First, I thank God for all of our Awana volunteers. Marie Smith, more commonly known as Commander ReRe told us there are over 100 children enrolled in the Awana ministry. The amazingly wonderful part of that is that 50 of those children are not associated with JIBC in any other way. I suspect we will see the fruit of the labor of all our volunteers for the next few years to come. We pray that all of these children will come to know Jesus as their Savior and Lord and will follow Him in baptism and discipleship. “Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good!”
Second, we give thanks to our Father for starting a wonderfully strong Moms Bible Study group on Sunday mornings. They started at once a month and then twice a month. This group is led by Kat Cumberledge and Ashley Judy. Wow, praise the LORD…His love endures forever. The Moms Bible Study Group gave birth (sorry about that!) to a Dads Sunday morning Bible Study Group. Our new Associate Pastor, Kyle, has launched a group focusing on Dads. He has 11 signed up before the first class has started! I think that will be another high octane group! By the way, both groups are still open. The only thing we ask is that no one leaves a Sunday Connection Group they are already in to be a part of one of these new groups.
Third: on Wednesday, February 21st, we will be introducing a new church wide campaign called 40 DAYS OF PRAYER. This will be an exciting 40 day study on prayer. We will invite the church family and friends to join us in an effort to align all of our efforts to take us into a stronger relationship with our Father in Heaven and our Lord Jesus Christ. We will grow together, worship together, study together, aligning our efforts in a spiritual growth journey that could change our hearts, our church, our community and our world.
“Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; For His steadfast love endures forever.”
Pastor Tom