Friday, February 9, 2024


Our next membership seminar will be taught on Sunday, February 25 starting at 4:00 PM. It has been quite a while since we had a membership class. Is it too late to blame it on Covid? LOL. I have no one to blame except me on this one! But now we are back in full swing and are looking forward to the next class. You can sign up several ways: the Information Insert in Sunday’s Bulletin call the church office at 843-762-0244 or text CLASS101 to 843-762-0244

At JIBC, we use Class 101: Discovering Membership as the way we join our church family. It gives us an opportunity to look at the DNA of our church family. It provides an opportunity for those who are at this next step an opportunity to meet with the pastor. I have material to present but we also have plenty of time for questions and answers.

If you are at the place in your spiritual journey where you would like to know more about JIBC, then this is the perfect next step for you. I would be honored for you to join us for a great time of fellowship and informative information. By the way, we will provide a meal and childcare for you.

It is a really good deal!


This past Sunday, we were thrilled with the start of a new Connection Group for Dads. Our Associate Pastor, Kyle, reached out to some dads and they responded wonderfully. He had a total of 15 dads in the room. First Sunday out, and he already is looking for a room with more space! Way to go Dads. By the way, I think the Dads Group was so successful because the Moms Bible Study Group was so successful. Kat Cumberledge and her team have been open and sensitive to the leading of the Spirit of God. May their tribe increase! Way to go Moms.

Looking forward to seeing you this Sunday as we continue going through the Gospel of Mark.

Pastor Tom