Friday, February 23, 2024


This past Sunday was probably your first time to hear our Associate Pastor Kyle Hooss preach. Some of our staff had heard him online at his former church when we were interviewing him. We knew he was solid. But now our church family had the opportunity to be blessed by his teaching/preaching message and style. Janie and I were gone for the weekend attending a Pastor/wife marriage enrichment retreat sponsored by The Charleston Baptist Association. I asked Kyle to fill in for me this past Sunday. He did the excellent job that I expected. Janie and I were on our way back from Myrtle Beach when we joined in the Livestream of our worship service. We loved that we could hear the music so wonderfully clear, we could hear the Welcome and Announcements by Kyle and the Mission and Ministry Moment by Logan all with amazing clarity. The livestream of Kyle’s message was just as clear as if we were in the worship center with you all. He delivered a strong message about “Partnering Together” based on Philippians 1:1-11. His opening illustration about Forrest Gump and Bubba was a great illustration for the message of having each other’s backs. Well done Kyle, well done.

By the way, let’s say that you happened to miss this past Sunday. You can still go to the JIBC –SC church app or to the church Facebook page and hear the message. You can go back and listen to any of the past sermons if you have a desire to do so. Please do not be too shy to ask for help if you do not know how to download or find the church app. A lot of us have to ask our kids or grandkids to help us out. Or ask one of the church staff to give you a hand. They will be so happy to do so. The church app has a lot of helpful information for you. Enjoy!

JIBC is so blessed. We have two staff members, Kyle and Logan, who are very gifted speakers. Kyle Hooss is our Associate Pastor of Administration and Connection Groups. Logan Duvall is our Student Pastor. Whenever I am away, we will rotate preaching responsibilities between the two of them. Some of you may remember the really old days where we had to go outside the church to find a guest speaker. Now we have two of the best right here at JIBC!

I am looking forward to seeing everyone this Sunday, February 25th. We will pick up our study through the Gospel of Mark just where we left off two Sundays ago.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing,

Pastor Tom