Tuesday, December 19, 2017


This year’s advent theme has been SIMPLE CHRISTMAS. It has been fun to tell the story of Jesus’ birth using some of the main characters involved in the Christmas Story. Sean brought a message about the Simple Worship of the Shepherds. I brought the teachings about the Simple Offering of the Inn Keeper offering Mary and Joseph what he had. We can’t offer him what we do not have right? This past Sunday we talked about the Simple Message of the Angels: fear not, give God glory, peace on earth and the favor of God. This coming Sunday morning I will talk about Simple Gifts given by the Magi. I have enjoyed this teaching series on Simple Christmas.

We celebrate the ultimate meaning of Simple Christmas this Sunday evening with our annual Christmas Carols, Communion and Candlelight Service at 6:00 p.m. For years this has been the largest attended service of the year for JIBC. We are planning for a beautiful service built around our Advent theme…Simple Christmas. We will have a preschool nursery available. School age children will join us in the Worship Center for our service.

Thank you for the mission support for James Island Outreach, Florence Crittenton, Lowcountry Pregnancy Center, and Lowcountry Orphan Relief. Your response to help the poor and less fortunate has been outstanding. You put the Christ in Christmas with joy and love. Thank you.

If you are still looking for a way to give and make an impact, I suggest a gift to Southern Baptist International Missions, Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Missionaries around the world will be blessed with your gifts. Every penny you give goes to the missionaries and not one cent is used for promotion or other fees. It really is getting the biggest bang for your buck. Southern Baptists support almost 4,000 full time missionaries around the world. At least four of them are from James Island Baptist. Thank you for praying and supporting them.

I hope to see you this Sunday morning at worship and then for the Christmas Eve service. If I do not, Janie and I wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christ-filled Christmas.

Pastor Tom

2018 New Addition to our Ministry

We have budgeted for and are planning on having a police officer present at our morning services. An officer may not be present every week but will most likely be present most weeks. I know it is hard to believe, but this is becoming more and more a standard operating procedure for many church families.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Last Minute Christmas Shopping and the Perfect Gift

We have former members of JIBC, Ryan and Kristen Parker who serve as full time missionaries in South Asia. I won’t say the exact location because this is in print. One of the ministries they have is helping women who are coming out of the sex industry. At our request, they sent us a small box of bracelets made by these Himalayan women. If you are looking for the perfect gift or stocking stuffer, ask Janie to see these bracelets. They cost $10 each or 3 for $25. I am including an article about them below. You get a cool gift, a great story, a gift with purpose and a way to share your faith.

Merry Christmas!

Pastor Tom

WorldCrafts and Blessed Hope Provide a Safe Haven for 
Women to Avoid Trafficking and Pursue Their Dreams

In an area where trafficking is increasingly prevalent, Blessed Hope is a beacon of light for women who seek an alternative lifestyle. Many of these Himalayan women have little education, low literacy rates, and poor economic status. In desperate living conditions, they can easily end up in the labor and sex trafficking industry.

Blessed Hope helps women avoid trafficking by providing the means for earning a wholesome income. After operating for only two years, it employs 20 Himalayan women, young and old. Because some women have children and other tasks at home, Blessed Hope allows them to work from home most of the week. Every Tuesday they meet together to evaluate their work and have a time of prayer and devotion.

Blessed Hope helps women succeed in all walks of life. Neema, a junior college student, uses her income to help pay for books and housing expenses. As she finishes her last year of junior college, Neema hopes to pursue a bachelor’s degree. Sonam, age 24, is one of the owners and manages Blessed Hope. Her husband recently left the country to search for better employment opportunities abroad. Sonam’s income helped her family purchase a two-room apartment, where she now lives with her uncle and young child. Your purchase of even one piece of jewelry is a major blessing in a woman’s life. Purchasing 1 bracelet provides: 2-3 days of quality food for an entire family or 1 month of school supplies.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Do you have all your Christmas shopping finished?

I kind of admire those who manage to have all their Christmas shopping finished early and can just sit back and enjoy the Christmas season. I am a true single task male. One night, one list, one store…get ‘er done! Janie insists on making me calm down and spread the Christmas cheer over several days…weeks…months! Lol. Some of my fondest memories are going shopping with Janie’s family when we were teenagers. Mr. Hines would load us all up on Christmas Eve and we would head to the malls. I could just sit back and watch, feeling no pressure and just enjoying the company. That was during a much simpler time.

This year, Janie and I, were able to give our first two Christmas gifts to missions. First, we bought the items for our Advent Missions emphasis: Jelly for James Island Outreach; diapers for Low country Pregnancy; pajamas for Low country Orphans; and pop up hampers for Florence Crittenton. I like the old mission saying “the light that shines brightest shines first at home”. I already see the Worship Center Christmas Trees surrounded by gifts. Thank you for being such a generous giving church. Our second gift was to International Missions, the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. This is an offering that goes 100% to support Southern Baptist International Missionaries around the world. We are so honored to give to such a worthwhile effort. By the way, our church sets up an in-house “Christmas Card Mail Box”. If you would like to give someone in the church a card, you can place it in the mail box. In the old days, you were encouraged to then give the money saved on stamps to missions. If I might make a suggestion: just use the Christmas Card mail box and enjoy. Then, as you are able, consider a gift to International Missions. It will be money well spent. If you have time, check out their web site at https://www.imb.org. You will find some great stories about our missionaries there. If you did not pick up a Missions Prayer guide this past Sunday, they will be available this Sunday.

This Sunday, I will continue our Advent series, Simple Christmas. My message will be about that infamous Inn Keeper that had no room for Mary and Joseph! We will light the Advent Candle of Peace and remember the Prince of Peace, our Lord Jesus Christ. Janie and I enjoyed our anniversary week away. Glad to be home and looking forward to seeing you Sunday.

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, November 28, 2017


The word advent comes from the Latin word meaning “coming”. Many churches and many denominations observe the Advent Season, the Christmas season, to celebrate the coming of our Lord Jesus as the babe in Bethlehem. It also has some reference and meaning connected to the Second Coming of Christ. It is a very rich and meaningful word that can help in celebrating a very meaningful and important Biblical theme…the Coming of Christ.

So, let’s say it again. The Advent season reminds us of Jesus’ first coming as a Holy Babe in Bethlehem and it reminds of us His second coming as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. So far, so good, right? The very Latin word for advent is a translation of the Greek word “parousia” the Word we usually associate with the Second Coming. But this isn’t a Greek or Latin lesson. It is a call to worship and reflect. That is strong theologically.

The fact that Jesus came the first time as the babe at Bethlehem and He will come the second time as King of Kings can be a moot point without the “third coming”. If Jesus Christ does not come into your heart and life as Savior and Lord then you personally miss the greatest Coming of all time and could potentially miss the next greatest Coming of all time. I hope our Lord comes to your heart daily as you seek Him like the wise men and as you worship Him as the Shepherds did.

When we gather this Christmas season we will observe Advent. Our theme this Advent season is Simple Christmas. It is a call to remember the reason for the season. It is an opportunity to celebrate His birth…the Advent. It is a reminder to be charitable and an opportunity to bless others. Enjoy the lights and remember He is the Light of the World. Revel in the music for what it is…worship of the Son of God becoming flesh. Intentionally spend time with family and friends. Consider reaching out to someone, say a little different than you. Help them celebrate the advent of the Babe so one day they might celebrate their own advent of the Savior.

Advent…what’s not to love? Simple Christmas…I love the idea!

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


I hope you are like the Psalmist every Sunday when he declares “I was glad when they said unto me Let us go to the House of the Lord.” Let’s make it our goal to come before Him with praise and thanksgiving every Sunday, Amen? But what is special about this Sunday?

First, we gather in obedience to the command of God to not forsake the gathering of our selves together (Hebrews 10:25). But beyond that…it is going to be another wonderful day at JIBC. We have 2 families participating in the Parent/Child Dedication. This is such an honor to welcome these beautiful new babies into our church family. You symbolically are standing with these parents in the awesome task of helping them bring their children to be fully devoted followers of Christ.

Second, we will be announcing whether we reached our two goals for the Daring Faith: The Key To Miracles campaign. We were hoping to have the largest one-time cash offering in JIBC history. Second, we were hoping to raise $400,000 for renovations that would be outside and in addition to our regular budget offerings. You will join me in rejoicing and standing in awe of the great thing God has done! I thank our Father in Heaven for His faithfulness and I thank you for your generous and sacrificial giving. Let the renovations begin!

Third, Janie and I have a small gift we want to give to anyone who would like one. As a gift to our church family and friends, Janie and I purchased 300 copies of O.S. Hawkins booklet, The Christmas Code: Daily Devotions Celebrating The Advent Season. Dr. Hawkins has served as Pastor at First Baptist, Dallas and First Baptist, Fort Lauderdale. Janie and I happened to be visiting First Baptist, Fort Lauderdale on Dr. Hawkins first Sunday. What an inspiring man. He is currently the C.E.O. of Guidestone Financial Resources for the Southern Baptist Convention. We hope you will enjoy this as much as we have. Let it help you and your family keep the focus of Christmas on Christ. Be blessed and bless others. We will give the books out on Sunday, but you can pick a copy up at the office any time.

Fourth, when you arrive on Sunday, November 26 the Church will be decorated for Christmas. I think our worship center is lovely all year long. It goes to another level at Christmas. I love it. Great big old Christmas thanks to our decorating volunteers. You do a beautiful job! Thank you. If you have never looked closely at the Chrismon Tree, take a moment to look at the decorations and the legend that explains them.

And last, but not least, we will have available copies of the proposed 2018 Missions and Ministry Budget. We have printed the names of the Budget Team to help answer any questions you might have concerning this year’s budget. We will vote to accept the budget on Sunday, December 31 at the morning worship service.

Any one of these would be worth the extra effort of attending this Sunday. All together, it is hard to imagine missing, even on a Thanksgiving weekend. Hope you will be able to join us.

Pastor Tom

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


You will want to make every effort to attend this Sunday’s Daring Faith Thanksgiving Celebration. After 8 wonderful weeks we are going to celebrate the goodness of God and what He has done and is doing through His family known as James Island Baptist. This has been a wonderful 8 weeks of theologically strong messages built around the importance of faith. We have had 6 strong and deep Bible centered messages taught on DVD by Rick Warren. I consider Rick Warren as one of the greatest pastor’s of modern times. I am grateful to Saddleback Church for blessing so many with the Daring Faith study.

So this Sunday, what can you expect? First, Marty and the praise team will be leading us in Christ-exalting worship. We begin the service with “All Creatures of our God and King” and go into the Doxology. One of my favorite worship sets. Second, we will observe Communion together. If ever a time to call it Eucharist, this is the Sunday. Indeed a day of Thanksgiving.

Third, we will have an Ingathering for those who would like to make a commitment to Daring Faith: Renovating Building and Grounds. There are several ways you can choose to give. First, you can always give online. Go to the church website: www.jamesislandbaptist.com. Janie and I are going to do three things: first, make a cash gift offering; second, make a three year commitment; third, going to sell some assets. However you do it, rejoice and give thanks. I shared with the church family Sunday that 14 families have committed to giving $272,690 toward Daring Faith. “And the people rejoiced at the willing response of their leaders, for they had given freely and wholeheartedly to the LORD.” 1 Chronicles 29:9. Then fourth, we will follow the example in 1 Chronicles 29 and celebrate with a feast. Our Kitchen Krew will provide the entire Daring Faith Thanksgiving Meal. You are invited to bring your favorite dessert if you would like to. We should have plenty!

Really, try your best to join us this Sunday. It will be a day to remember and a day to give thanks. “According to your faith will it be done to you.” Matthew 9:29

Pastor Tom

Friday, November 10, 2017


It is hard to believe we are down to the final days of Daring Faith: The Key to Miracles. The first part of Daring Faith has been Daring Faith: Renovating Believers. I hope you have been able to take advantage of one of the deepest, and yet most applicable Bible Studies we have ever had. I am actually sad for anyone who missed out on this series. How could we not profit from delving deeper into God’s Word about faith? We had 10 sermons about the theological foundations of faith; 6 dynamic Bible Studies by one of the best Bible teachers in America; a 40 day devotional that led you to read the Word, study the Word, meditate on the Word and apply the word; encouraged our church family to memorize 6 Bible verses, hiding them in your heart ready for spiritual warfare. Somebody say AMEN. Thank you for all who helped lead this church wide spiritual growth campaign. It was as theologically deep and as wonderfully practical as any believer could hope for. Two final words, if you missed session 6, I will be teaching it on Wednesday, at 6:30 in Rose Haselden’s Bible Study room. Second, if you could not make it but would like to go through this on your own, we will be delighted to get you a DVD and a Devotional book. Just let us know.

The second part of Daring Faith has been Renovating Buildings and Grounds. We have 10 projects that total approximately $400,000. Some of them had to be done, most of them really need to be done and some of them have needed to be done for years. It is our hope to be able to stretch our faith and see these funds given in a way that would not stop or hinder any of our ongoing missions and ministries. Even with such a large church wide campaign, we still had the largest Fall Festival ever; our missions outreach continues; and all youth and children’s ministries continue full speed ahead. We have also made a commitment that no one should feel pressured to give. We are following the Biblical principle: “Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver.” ( 2 Corinthians 9:7) If this is not the season for you to give, we understand. Please do not hesitate to let us know how we can help you.

You will receive one final letter from me concerning Daring Faith. I am praying you will receive it with love and enthusiasm. I can’t wait for you to read the good news inside the letter. Sunday, November 19 will be our Daring Faith Thanksgiving Celebration. We will have Christ exalting worship; Communion; a special ingathering of Daring Faith offerings and commitments; followed by a church wide Thanksgiving Banquet. *Bring your favorite dessert if you would like to, everything else will be provided!

This Sunday, November 12, you will hear some of the absolutely best news ever concerning Daring Faith. I wish I could tell you now, but it will have to wait to be announced Sunday.

See you soon, Good Lord willing.

Pastor Tom

Thursday, November 2, 2017


What are we renovating? Your church leaders have by design been laser focused on Daring Faith for the past 6 weeks. Almost our entire effort has gone into the priority of “Renovating Believers”. We have planned 10 sermons on faith; 6 Video Driven Bible Studies for our Connection Groups; provided a 40 Day Devotional to keep you plugged into God’s Word daily; and encouraged our church family to memorize 6 Key Bible verses about faith. As your pastor, I am thrilled you have had this opportunity to grow in faith.

We are renovating believers but we are also renovating buildings and grounds. Just like your homes, the Lord’s House needs repair and refreshing. I believe our leadership has been excellent stewards in maintaining our buildings and grounds over the years. But now is the time. So let me list and give a brief word about each of the renovations needed. Perhaps one of these will speak to you more than others. You can certainly designate an offering toward one of the projects. All of the cost listed are estimates and could change by the time we begin.

1. The repair and replacement of the church shingles to address leaks throughout the building. It was time. The old roof lasted us almost 27 years. The cost of that project was approximately $73,000. Completed! Can somebody say AMEN!

2. The protection for our front parking lot and the buildings. The last wreck at the point of our property wrecked two buses and resulted in a fatality. In my 32 years at JIBC, we have had two fatalities and no less than 20 wrecks. Several of these have actually hit the buildings. The new landscaping design will provide a very attractive system of protection as well as signage.
Hopefully, this will be the next project completed. Estimated cost-$10,000

3. A comprehensive landscaping design plan for all three sides of our church campus. This will include the design for the protection and sign as well as suggestions for future landscaping on all sides of the campus. The Maybank Highway side of the church has always had an unattractive industrial look. Perhaps the next three years we will be able to implement the new design. The cost for the design is $1,000.

4. The resurfacing and restriping of the front and back parking lots. This is long overdue and will add significantly to the curb appeal of the campus giving a fresher look. We are trying to schedule this project when the office and weekday preschool is closed. Cost $5,000.

5. Remodel the two main hall way restrooms. The majority of this renovation will be to update the women’s restroom giving more space, new fixtures, counters and convenience height toilets. The men’s room will get the old mirror from the women’s room. Just kidding. We don’t have room for that big mirror. $27,000.

6. Replace the flooring in the Fellowship Hall. The existing flooring is coming up and is a safety issue. This will be scheduled during the summer when the Fellowship Hall is not used as often. It will have a durable tile similar to that in the front of the Worship Center. $18,000.

7. Renovate the church library/conference room. In the last 40 years, we have put in new carpet once and new chairs once. Other than that, this room has remained basically the same. It is in desperate need of updating in technology as well as looks. It is the only official meeting room that serves as a conference room. $10,000.

8. The Plymouth Avenue side entrance is scheduled to be an enclosed entrance. More people enter the building through this entrance yet it is the least welcoming. Plans include a new glass enclosed entrance. $20,000.

9. A limited use elevator has been in demand for years. Finally, the cost has come down to make this a possibility. The only way upstairs in our building is via steps. For anyone in a wheel chair or with physical health issues, that makes it almost entirely off limits. The elevator will be located in the new side entrance. $75,000.

10. The current church debt is $150,000.00. In three years this should be down to quite a bit. It would be a great accomplishment to finish the Daring Faith Renovations and be completely out of debt. Our finance team has done a tremendous job of keeping enough funds on hand to handle emergencies and at least 3 months of budget needs. The joy of freeing up annual mortgage payments of $35,000 a year is amazing. That money could be used for missions and ministry.

So, that is the second part of Daring Faith: Renovating Believers and Renovating Buildings. We continue our commitment that no one will be pressured to give. The Bible is correct when it says “God loves a cheerful giver”. We will ask our church family and friends to trust God and exercise daring faith. I so believe we can continue all of our current missions and ministries and still tackle this mountain. It is too big for us but not too big for our God. Pray with us. Let’s see what great thing He will do.

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Daring Faith: How To Discern God’s Will

“According to your faith, it will be done to you.” 
Matthew 9:29

Daring Faith: The Key To Miracles has been about renovating believers and renovating buildings. Notice which comes first: we have gone all in to help build the faith of our church family and friends. This has also been about how to do missions and ministry while taking care of the wonderful building and campus God has given JIBC. To do that, we must talk about giving, sacrificial giving. The old saying is “equal sacrifice, not equal gifts”. That requires Daring Faith. Here are some suggestions for how to discern God’s will for your giving. How can you know?

1. Begin with prayer. Lord, show me how to give in a way that stretches and builds my faith more than ever. I trust you to provide. It is not the amount you give…it is the amount you trust that pleases Him.

2. Don’t rush your decision. Spend time alone with God each day so you can hear what He is telling you. The ultimate result is that you grow closer and closer to Him.

3. Decide whether you will give by revelation or reason. When I give by reason, which is fine, I have to figure out what is a reasonable amount. Then I commit to giving that amount. This is how most people give to charities. It asks a logical question “How much can I afford to give?” When you give by revelation, you pray “Lord, what do you want to give through me?” You are allowing your faith to lead the way. In 2 Corinthians 8:3 it says of the Macedonian believers “They gave not only what they could afford, they gave more than they could afford.” When you give more than you can afford, you have to trust God in faith to keep His promises.

4. Hold a family conference or set aside some time to talk about your contribution. If you have children, help them be involved in giving to the mission and ministry of their church. Ask for creative ways your family could give. Read the Bible and make a list of the promises you have been learning from God’s Word. One dad filled out the online giving and then let his kids push the send button! What a great way to teach generous giving.

5. Remember that if you chose to participate in the Daring Faith offering, there are two parts. First, the cash gift now to be celebrated on Thanksgiving Sunday, November 19. You can really give that any time before or after. The second way to give is by the 36-month giving commitment. This may allow you to give more than you ever imagined.

6. Celebrate your commitment. This is an exciting time in the spiritual journey of our church family and yours. Find ways to celebrate all He is and all He has done for you.

“Father, this is a big step for us. We’re asking you to stretch our faith, strengthen our faith, and deepen our faith through our commitment to be generous givers. We realize everything we have comes from you; we want to express our gratitude for all you have done for us; we want to demonstrate our faith, even in our giving; and we want to show support for our church family and it’s missions and ministry. We love you and thank you for loving us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Daring Faith Q and A

We are full speed ahead in our church wide campaign Daring Faith: The Key To Miracles. I pray you are being blessed by the messages on Faith every Sunday. If you missed one, you can still hear it at www.jibcfamily.com. The 6 week video series is outstanding. It is taught by one of the leading pastors in America, Pastor Rick Warrren. Any place you begin in this is a great place to begin.

As we have said from the first Sunday, Daring Faith is about renovating hearts and renovation our church campus. Our number one priority is to make disciples who make disciples that make their community a better place to live. The overwhelming majority of our effort goes into renovating hearts. JIBC has been blessed with a lovely campus that must be maintained. We want to always being God honor and glory by offering Him our best. I hope you have seen the 10 projects that we are focusing on. Some of them are absolute necessities to repair and replace; others are long overdue to be fixed and freshened up; and some are desperately needed to better serve those who have limited physical abilities. As you can see…Daring Faith is needed to renovate hearts and renovate buildings!

We have made a commitment that we will not pressure anyone to give. Even as God’s Word says “You must each decide in your own heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 We will try to show how everyone can give something. We will ask our family and friends to pray about what God can do if we have Daring Faith.

Let me take a moment to answer some of the most frequently asked questions.

Q: Why are we having a Daring Faith Campaign? Why not just announce that we need funds to renovate and repair parts of our church campus?

A: Because it takes much time and effort to fully communicate the need, the purpose, the goals and the vision to everyone in the church.

Q: What kind of reactions do you expect from people?

A: Before we started the campaign, we already knew there would be at least 3 reactions. First, there are those who are already committed to giving. They really don’t need a campaign. They are spiritually mature enough to know we must renovate and maintain what God has given us. They give sacrificially whenever asked. Second, there are some who are not going to give no matter what we do. They will object to anything and everything. It is ok, we will not pressure anyone to give. It is our ministry to teach the word and be faithful. We will trust Him with the rest. Third, there are those who will gladly give once they catch the vision of what we are attempting to do. They want to give and grow. This is the reason we do what we do!

Q: How will we raise the money needed?

A: All Daring Faith gifts will be kept in a separate account to pay for the renovation projects of our church campus. Please note that these gifts will be in addition to your regular tithes and offerings. We are still moving ahead with every mission and ministry we have even during this campaign.

Q: What if I don’t have a lot to give or can’t afford to give? How can I give?

A: First, always remember we are talking about Daring Faith. You may know the story of the widow who gave all she had even though it was little. Jesus helped us understand your attitude in giving is more important than the amount. It is always possible to give something. God measures our faithfulness by what we have left over, not how much we give. The old saying is equal sacrifice, not equal gifts. I hope that brings you some encouragement.

Q: Will my commitment and gift be kept confidential?

A: Absolutely. No one will write to you reminding you of your commitment. That is between you and God. You will never receive a “dun” for what you “owe”. That is not how we give.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Renovating Hearts/Renovating Buildings and Grounds

Renovating Hearts is our number one goal. We are under a mandate to go into all the world and make disciples. We exist to bring people into the family of God and then to help them become more like Jesus. Maturity is our “second base” goal. WE want to make fully devoted followers of Christ, disciples who make disciples who make their community a better place to live. We are committed to join God in His mission to reach, redeem and restore a lost and broken world.

The church wide campaign “Daring Faith: The Key To Miracles” is an outstanding tool to help us do this. How can this next 10 weeks help you become more like Jesus?

, try not to miss any of the 10 messages of the campaign. I will be teaching about how faith can strengthen your life and prepare you for anything. All 10 of these messages will be online at www.jibcfamily.com.

Second, if at all possible, at least for 6 weeks, join a group that is watching the Daring Faith video with Pastor Rick Warren. He is, in my opinion, one of the greatest Christian leaders in America. John Piper says it is abundantly clear that God has blessed Warren’s church, Saddleback Church, and blessed his book, “The Purpose Driven Life”. If you know anything about John Piper, he would not give his blessing if Warren were not biblically and doctrinally sound. Pastor Sean and Susan will attempts to move heaven and hell to help you find a group.

Third, spend daily time in the Daring Faith devotional book. This 40 day devotional is designed to be used along with the video series. But you can use it even if you are not able to see the series. 40 days in the Word is a great step toward maturity and developing that habit that every believer needs in order to grow.

Fourth, carry one of the Bible verse bookmarks with you. Refer to it often and try to memorize or at least be familiar with the verses. You will be blessed even by your effort.

Last, begin praying about three goals you would set for yourself. Goals about Growing, Giving and Going.

Without apology, we are trying to renovate our buildings and grounds to better serve our community and church family. But our number one goal is always to renovate hearts. This, my friend, is Daring Faith in action.

“According to your faith will it be done to you.”

The Renovation of the Building and Grounds 
includes the following 10 projects: 

  1. Replace the shingles/flashing, etc on the entire roof of our campus addressing the ongoing leaks throughout the building. (Hallelujah, this is completed!) 
  2. Provide protection for our parking lot and buildings with a new coordinated signage and bollard style protection system. This is an ongoing effort to minimize damage caused by excessive speed and driving under the influence at the Wappoo Drive/Maybank Highway point of the church property. 
  3. Landscaping design to pull together the entire church campus, including all three sides of the property (Maybank/Wappoo/ Plymouth) . The signage and landscaping will coordinate on all three sides. The Maybank Highway side has generally been considered the “industrial side” of the property. 
  4. Resurface and restripe the church parking lots, front and back to increase curb appeal and to give a fresher look. 
  5. Renovate the church library/conference room. The first renovation of this room since the early 1970’s. 
  6. Remodel the two main hall way restrooms. Particularly to increase room in the women’s restroom, updating toilets and fixtures. 
  7. Replace the Fellowship Hall floor with a more durable functional tile. 
  8. Remodel the side entrance on the Plymouth Avenue side to make a more appealing, easier access entrance. 
  9. Install a limited use elevator to serve Senior Adults and anyone with disabilities or difficulties handling stairs. 
  10. For JIBC to be debt free in three years. 

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Daring Faith

We try to make everything we do serve the purposes God has laid out for His Church. Daring Faith is no different. We reached the point where we absolutely had to do some renovations, needed to do several other renovations and were long overdue on some we believed would help our church family. The major repair has already happened and we have a new, non-leaking roof over our entire building complex. We have 9 more projects to go.

Now here is my point. Even undertaking such a large and extensive repair and renovation project, we were determined NOT to let it take us away from our purposes. In our own homes, we occasionally have to repair, renovate and change things. The same is true, maybe even more so, for God’s House. Even so, our primary mission is to join God in His work to reach, redeem and restore a lost and broken world. Our commission is to make disciples who make disciples who make their community a better place to live. Here is the fantastic news: We believe, by God’s grace we can do both! We can “renovate the hearts of believers” and renovate the House of the Lord. Let me say it another way. We do have as a goal to renovate, repair and upgrade the place of Worship. But we will always have as our MAIN goal to renovate the hearts of believers…to make disciples who make disciples who make our community a better place to live for the glory of God! Our main goal must never be buildings but must always be building mature believers. Our main goal must never be raising money but rather raising faithful believers who will be fully devoted to Christ Jesus.

Daring Faith: The Key To Miracles gives us the opportunity to do both. You will have an opportunity to hear 10 Bible centered messages about God’s word to you about your faith. You can fellowship with a small group and enjoy one of the absolute best Bible Studies you will ever enjoy. This DVD led Bible Study is not designed to make you theologians dealing with deep matters of doctrine. It is designed to help you make it through your surgery; a troubled marriage; a prodigal child; a set back at work; the call to take on hell; etc, etc. If what you get in Bible Study one day does not help you live your faith the next day, something is wrong.

Please don’t miss this. It’s about to get real. Spiritual warfare is going to get heavy as an entire church family rallies around the King. Lives will be changed. Some who have been stuck in their spiritual journey are about to be set free. Please, please, do not miss this.

“According to your faith will it be done unto you.”   Matthew 9:29

Pastor Tom

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


This past Sunday I introduced the new, church-wide ministry “Daring Faith: The Key To Miracles”. For the next 10 weeks we will have a tremendous opportunity as a church family. So, down to basics: What is Daring Faith: The Key To Miracles”?


During the next 10 weeks you will be offered many opportunities designed to strengthen your faith, deepen your love and build your character to be more and more like Jesus. We have a 40 Day Daring Faith Devotional for you to use. Together, as a church family, we will focus our study on the beautiful passages in the Bible that speak about daring faith.

“According to your faith will it be done to you.”    Matthew 9:29


On Sunday, November 19 and November 26, 2017 we will be attempting to raise just over $400,000 to complete the church wide renovation, repairs and replacements. Our Pastors, Church Staff, Elders, Finance Team, Ministry Management Team and Deacons voted unanimously to lead our church to finish the task. The Top 10 Renovations will make a significant improvement in the beauty, protection, curb appeal, care for elderly and safety of our church family and community. It is a major effort to do our best to offer the best.

“Just as you excel in everything else—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in earnestness, and in love, see that you also excel in the grace of giving.”   2 Corinthians 8:7


We are hoping to have as many as possible involved in Connection Groups for the 6 week study. Pastor Sean has made a commitment to help everyone he can find a group, start a group and be in a group. Here is the great draw: you can sign up for just the 6 weeks; you could do this with your own family (4 to 6 people would make a great group); you can start now or next week, it is a flexible schedule. Really, we want everyone to have the opportunity to be involved in this 6 week study. Do you have a DVD player, some pretzels and tea? You are almost the best host ever already!

“Encourage one another and build each other up.”     1 Thessalonians 5:11

“…they fellowshiped from house to house.”    Acts 4:46


Every year we host a free Thanksgiving Meal the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Imagine the celebration this year as we conclude 10 weeks of Daring Faith! I believe we will have great stories to tell for years to come. My prayer is that on Thanksgiving Sunday we will give thanks for what could be the largest offering in the history of our church family!

“Celebrate the Harvest Festival…by bringing a freewill offering in proportion to the blessing God has given you. Be joyful in the Lord’s presence with your family…”    Deuteronomy 16:10-11

This is going to be a great 10 weeks for JIBC and Friends!

Pastor Tom

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


This Sunday is the introduction to the Church Wide Daring Faith campaign. We are undertaking quite a bit over the next two months. First, we are continuing all the missions and ministries that reflect the values of James Island Baptist. That is a very full schedule of making our community a better place to live by being salt and light. Second, we are attempting to raise faith and funds, over the next three years, to complete some much needed and long overdue renovations. I compare this to my daughter getting ready to sell her house. In order to sell your house, to make the best impression and to attract potential buyers, you want to make your home looks as attractive and appealing as possible. So, you focus on your curb appeal; you repair your roof; you fix any soft spots in the floor; add some fresh paint. You do whatever you need to do to make the house seem like a home.

Church renovations are kind of like that. We must care about curb appeal. Landscaping and signage are not that big of a deal to us, but to the newcomer, first impressions are lasting impressions. The roof is repaired because we had serious leaks that could be seen in the ceiling tiles. Our main hallway bathrooms have not been updated in over 40 years. The need for an elevator is becoming greater as these baby boomers start aging out! You get the picture. If I want my house and home to look good, why would I not want the House of the Lord to also look good. Some of the renovations we are hoping to make may not be of direct concern to many of us who are already active committed members. It may make all the difference in the world to potential members. We want the first impression to be a positive one…from signage, to fresh looking parking lots; from safe floors to elevators to the top!

That is one of the things that sets healthy churches apart. Why do you do what you do? Who are you doing it for? We are growing to believe that the most important member of the church is not even a member yet. When we reach them and invite them and they honor us by coming…we want to put our best foot forward. May they see our good works…our discipleship, our generous giving and our stewardship of the building and grounds…and give glory to our Father in Heaven.

See you Sunday,

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

If I Had It To Do All Over Again

Most of the time in life we do not get a chance to do it over. I have found it to be a helpful exercise in personal growth to ask the question anyway: If I could have a do over, what would I do differently. In reference to Irma, I think it is particularly helpful to ask. While Irma will not be back, we are very likely to face one of her siblings. So what, if anything, would I do differently?

First, I think we were amazingly blessed by the company and crew that put the shingles on the roof. I know the question was out there about putting this on before a hurricane. Just remember, we had multiple leaks in multiple places. We have no way of knowing how much more damage could have been done with the torrential rains. As far as I can tell, the timing of replacing the shingles was just in time. The roofing crew completely finished the Worship Center and almost all the rest of the buildings before last Sunday morning. Wow. To God be the glory and to all who made that call…thanks.

Tuesday morning, Neale and I walked our entire building and every room and only found leaks in two places. One was through a window and one is related to the metal roof in the atrium. When rain comes sideways and from the ground it will find a way inside. The Transition House also made it with no leaks or roof damage. Now, we do have a lot of limbs and debris to be cleaned up. Again, to God be the glory.

Second, the storm reminded us of the need for a Connection Group/Church Family contact plan. We will work on a more reliable way to keep everyone quickly informed and a way to find out everyone’s status. The best plan seems to be the Connection Groups. We will work on that sooner rather than later. Remember, a chain is only as good as its weakest link. Let’s stay connected.

See you Sunday, good Lord willing and the other creek don’t rise!

Pastor Tom

Thursday, September 7, 2017


I am always enamored by Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s love poem “How Do I Love Thee”. It is a good read anytime. When I think of the blessings of JIBC, I usually start with her opening line: “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.” So, let me share some of the reasons…not so much the ways…that I love JIBC.

First, as soon as the news about Harvey and Houston broke, we had church leaders and members asking what JIBC could do. We have some already committed to going. So, if you cannot go or cannot go just yet, what can we do? Pray. You can imagine the strain and pain of life after a hurricane. Many of us lived through Hugo and several lesser storms. So pray. Give. You can give through South Carolina Disaster Relief or you can give directly to churches on the ground just outside of the Houston area. Ron and Jill Cipriano live outside of Houston and have helped us get in contact with churches actively involved. As we know information, you will know it. Susan Warren is our contact person. By the way, we are waiting to see what Irma is doing. We might have urgent needs closer to home.

Second, I love that our JIBC family voted unanimously to move forward with Phase II of our renovations. I am glad to see the renovations but not near as glad about the way we arrive at the decisions. We had unanimous agreement among the staff, the Elders, The Finance Team, the Ministry Management Team and the Deacons. Then, with a wonderful family meeting attendance, we had unanimous support again. That is not unheard of but it is wonderful! It is one of the things I love!

I just did an interview with a student from one of our universities about community health. It was wonderful to just be able to talk almost non-stop about the way you bless our community and make it a better place to live. I love you…let me count the ways.

BTW, the roofing work has started today, Tuesday, September 5. Our belief is that it is going on in just the nick of time. Hammer on!

Pastor Tom

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Everyone is invited to join us this Sunday for a church-wide family meeting. Whether you are in a Connection Group or just interested, you are invited to join us. We will start with coffee and some lite breakfast snacks. Marty will lead us in a time of worship. Then at 10:00 we will present to the church family the projected scope and cost of the Phase II renovations. This renovation will involve some things that are absolutely necessary as well as needed projects we have been putting off. We will ask the church family to vote to approve the Phase II renovations.

We started off with a leak in the front outside porch of the worship center. We patched that believing the day would not be too far off when we needed to replace the entire roof of the sanctuary. That day is here. The last roof was put on after Hurricane Hugo. We were able to make that one last 27 years. Not bad! But now we have multiple leaks over the sanctuary, fellowship hall and several places around the rest of the building. By the way…did you know we had two chimneys on our buildings? I did not. They will be removed and will no longer be a source of leaks or potential leaks. Once we started looking at the roofing project, it made sense to start looking at all the repairs and renovations we have been putting off. So, all together, our leadership team put together around 10 projects that need attention. We do not have a time table on most of the projects. Some of them will depend on how the church family responds with special offerings.

Starting on Sunday, October 1, our Sunday Connection Groups will be studying a 6 week Bible focus on faith. This Bible study is called “Daring Faith” and is about taking bold risks, developing a daring faith and learning to trust God’s will. For 6 weeks we will study together the call of God for us to leave our comfort zones and to bravely move to where God is calling you.

I think this comes at just the right time in our church history. We are ready for the next step and by God’s grace are ready to exercise a “Daring Faith”. My daughter and son-in-law have put their home on the market to sell. That means they have repaired, replaced and renovated. They have de-cluttered and freshened up their house and their yard. Of course they do this to present their home in the best light possible. They want to make good first impressions. The house must be sound and secure. Now, what does that say about God’s House? We also want to make good first impressions; put our best foot forward; have the church campus safe and sound for all who would gather here. We can do this.

This Phase II renovation comes to you with the support and approval of our entire leadership team: Pastors, Staff, Elders, Finance Team, Ministry Management and Deacons. We had unanimous agreement on leading the church to exercise daring faith in taking on Phase II of the renovations.

Hope to see you this Sunday at 9:45,

Pastor Tom

Friday, August 25, 2017

Church Family Meeting

In two weeks we are inviting the church family to join us in the Fellowship Hall at 9:45-10:45 for a called church family meeting. It hardly seems like it was two years ago when we completed the total renovation of the Worship Center/Sanctuary. It was fabulous and the Lord provided all we needed to make it happen. To God be the glory.

Now it is time to address a list of needs for the rest of our church campus. About 6 months ago we developed some leaks in the porch over the front doors of the Worship Center. We patched them knowing sooner or later we were going to have to replace all the shingles on all of the buildings. We have developed dozens of leaks in the main roof over the Worship Center. We have, thank you Jesus, gotten all the wear and tear we could expect out of our current roof. It was replaced after Hugo in 1989.

Once we started looking at the roofing needs, we put together a list of renovations, repairs and replacements needed around our church buildings. Things that we have patched and repaired but now need to be replaced. So, on Sunday, September 3 we will present to our church family the scope and projected cost of this phase of our renovations. We will have for you a printed brochure highlighting the scope and projected cost. Then we will ask the church family to vote together on proceeding with these necessary and exciting renovations.

This project comes to our church family with the unanimous recommendations from the following group: Church Pastors, Staff, Elders, Finance Team, Ministry Management Team and Deacons. Some of these renovations and repairs are absolutely necessary. Replacing the church roof is an item that cannot wait. That will need to begin right away. Other items are much needed and have been a long time coming. Just like our homes, every now and again, we have to invest in the investment. I really believe you will be pleased to hear the particulars of these renovations. I hope you will see them as an extension of our vision, values and mission. I trust they will have your full commitment and support.

To God be the glory,

Pastor Tom

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

JOY...For the Rest of Your Life

Current Sermon Series on the Book of Philippians

Pastor Tom’s sermons are available on our website at 

Key verses to memorize 

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you
will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” 
Philippians 1:6

“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” 
Philippians 1:21

“Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” 
 Philippians 2:5-11

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” 
Philippians 4:4

“I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” 
Philippians 4:13

“And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus” 
Philippians 4:19

Wednesday, August 9, 2017


James Island Baptist is hosting a NAMI presentation. The by-line asks “Did you know that 1 in 4 people are affected by severe mental illness?” As a matter of fact, I did not know that. That is the point for hosting this presentation. There is a lot about mental health issues that I do not know…and I have read quite a bit.

So what is the goal of this meeting. First, they will address the stigma associated with having a mental illness. They presenters will share personal stories of living with and overcoming the challenges posed by mental illness. By broadening peoples knowledge of mental illness, we replace misunderstanding, fear and judgment with insight, awareness and acceptance.

Imagine if we as followers of Christ can help reduce the stigma associated with being mentally ill. Imagine if JIBC continued to be a safe place for people who struggle with a variety of hurts habits and hang-ups. What a help to know there is a place where you can find support and acceptance. I believe JIBC is such a place. We are just adding a mental health initiative to our ministries.

In Our Own Voice is a 60 minute presentation geared to community audiences. It will help us better understand 58 Million Americans contending with mental illness. It will help us understand ourselves, our families, our friends and neighbors.

Join us Wednesday night, August 23, at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.

See you there, good Lord willing.

Pastor Tom

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

What's Happening

Saturday, August 19 @ 10 a.m.
We are planning a beach baptism for Saturday, August 19. Plans right now are to meet at Folly Beach at 10 am and celebrate together. You may park at 1017 West Ashley Street, in the First Baptist Church “Gazebo” parking lot. That is the second gate on the property. The FBC Beach House is located on the left hand side, just before the County Park on Folly Beach. If you are waiting for baptism and want to join us on this day, we would be thrilled to have you. Let us know in the church office, 843-762-0244. 

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) 
Wednesday, August 23 @ 6:00 pm
On Wednesday, August 23, JIBC is scheduled to host a NAMI meeting open to anyone who is interested in understanding mental illness and related issues. This seminar will help explain what it is like to live with mental illness and how to live well with mental illness. This will be a powerful presentation and I strongly encourage you to attend. I feel safe to say you will not be sorry if you do attend, you might be sorry that you did not. Did you know that 1 in 4 people live with a severe mental illness? Wednesday, August 23, 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall. This will be led by NAMI.

A.B.B.A. Boys Ministry
John Schiefert and a group of adult men are putting together a ministry to serve school age boys. This would primarily be 1st through 5th grade. The last outing they had went to a Riverdogs Baseball game. The next one is scheduled for August 27 right after worship on Sunday. They are taking a trip to the Fire Museum in North Charleston and will have some of our very own firemen with them for that extra value added. For more information please call John Schiefert at 843.901.3491.

See you soon, good Lord willing,

Pastor Tom

Thursday, July 27, 2017


HAPPENING IN AUGUSTPastor Sean, his team and area youth pastors are putting on a combined even called Collide Back To School Event. It will be a back to school weekend on August 4 through 6. I think the idea is great and it will go over great. What I like even more is that it is a multi-church, multi-denominational effort. Sean is doing a great job in reaching out to the other churches on James Island to combine efforts of reaching this generation of youth.

We are planning a beach baptism for Saturday, August 19. Plans right now are to meet at Folly Beach (exact location to be announced) around 10 am and celebrate together. If you are waiting for baptism and want to join us on this day, we would be thrilled to have you. Let us know in the church office, 843-762-0244.

We celebrate the baptism of Bruce Murray this past Sunday. What a joy to hear his testimony of how he accepted God’s great gift of salvation. By the way, part of the change in his life came as he read the book by John Eldredge, Wild At Heart. A great read for any man. It is also a great read for women who want to better understand the men in your life. What a great God to have done it that way. Amen!

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)On Wednesday, August 23, JIBC is scheduled to host a NAMI meeting open to anyone interested in understanding mental illness and related issues. This seminar will help explain what it is like to live with mental illness and how to live well with mental illness. This will be a powerful presentation and I strongly encourage you to attend. I feel safe to say you will not be sorry if you do attend, you might be sorry that you did not. More information to come.

John Scheifert and a group of adult men are putting together a ministry to serve school age boys. This would primarily be 1st through 5th grade. On their last outing they went to a Riverdogs Baseball game. The next one is scheduled for August 27 right after worship on Sunday. They are taking a trip to the Fire Museum in North Charleston and will have some of our very own firemen with them for that extra value added. More information to follow.


Pastor Tom

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Joy…That Lasts A Lifetime

This past Sunday we started a new teaching series on the book of Philippians. This book, inspired by the Holy Spirit of God and written by the Apostle Paul is only four chapters long. It is an example of the old saying that dynamite comes in small packages. This is one of my favorite books written by Paul. It is often referred to as The Epistle of Joy for a good reason. It may be the most personal of all Paul’s writings as he reveals his thoughts on living and dying. Inside this little epistle is a guide to building joy into our lives. We will focus on the spiritual disciplines and habits needed to experience the fruit of the Holy Spirit…joy! That will be my focus for the next six to eight weeks. We can learn from Paul how to sing in the cell, how to praise in our self inflicted prisons and how to focus on a God that can touch the world from any place we might find ourselves. This is a letter of thanksgiving and joy. The two are almost always found thriving together. Thankfulness is the soil that allows joy to grow to full maturity.

I encourage you to read and reread Philippians in your quiet time. Come with your cup running over ready to explore the wonderful truths of God’s Word. At least 16 times Paul refers to joy or rejoicing. This little letter is filled to the brim with joy…let’s enjoy it and drink deeply. “Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice!” Philippians 4:4.

There are several verses in this little book that I encourage you to memorize. I know, that is a hard word for many of us. OK, if you can’t memorize, how about meditate on them. If you will hear the word, read the word and then meditate on the word…you might get a wonderful surprise and find that you can also memorize the word. Try these verses first: 1:6, 1:21, 2:5-11(one of my favorite), 4:4, 4:13 and 4:19. All these and many more are worthy of our efforts to hide them in our hearts.

“I thank my God for you every time I remember you. In all my prayers for you, I always pray with joy…”

See you Sunday, Good Lord willing,

Pastor Tom

Thursday, July 13, 2017


This year’s anniversary Sunday could not have ended better. We had a wonderful day of worship even without the projector (the storm knocked it out). The highlight had to be the picnic at the park. Oh my, what a success. The air conditioned Edisto Hall was just the ticket. It seated around 175 not 200. That is only because we had three complete tables filled to the brim with delicious desserts!

I am sure we cannot remember everyone to thank, but let’s give it a try. First, our all star Kitchen Krew. This team gave out over 350 plates of food, cooking, prepping and serving from a kitchen far smaller than the one at JIBC. They served a record number in record time. The Cookin’ Krew grilled hamburgers and hotdogs for Sunday’s picnic and enough for Celebrate Recovery Sunday night! Is there anything better than a grilled hamburger? Great job. The set up team was able to set all the tables and chairs, decorate and put out all the anniversary pictures and still made it back to JIBC in time for worship. Outstanding. Sean and company had the largest kickball I have ever seen. I stopped by to observe but ran for cover when recruited to be in the field! Marty and his band of praise provided great music for us to enjoy. That made three services for Marty and his crew. Before and after, we had dozens of volunteers helping to put up tables and chairs, carry equipment and clean up. Great servants one and all. Your church staff, as usual, went above and beyond the call of duty. They led, served, worked and even had time to enjoy fellowship. I am proud to serve with such a team. The amount of effort to pull of such an event is tremendous. It sure provided for an AAA+ day of enjoyment. I will say that after I got home from Sunday night’s Celebrate Recovery…I was toast! The overwhelming feedback was the day was a great success. Our thanks to all who made it so.

Pastor Tom

Thursday, July 6, 2017


This Sunday, July 9 will be the 70th Anniversary for the James Island Baptist Family. Here are the basics again: Sunday Connection Groups at 9:45 just as always; Worship at 11:00 same as each week. We will celebrate Communion this Sunday as part of our Anniversary Celebration. We will conclude the service by 11:45 and gather at James Island County Park/Edisto Hall and begin serving at 12:30.

Our kitchen crews and set up teams will go early. So, we will be able to start eating by the time we get there. You can pick up your pre-paid tickets at the church office any day this week. We will have 200 pre-paid park entrance tickets available on a first come/first served basis. They will be available at both welcome centers and the Plymouth Avenue side door. If you have a park pass, then you are already able to get in free...what a great perk!

We will have air conditioned seating for 200 people in the Edisto Hall. There will also be picnic tables outside. Take advantage of the park and enjoy the day. We will serve hamburgers, hot dogs, chili, coleslaw and potato salad. We will also have watermelons and desserts. Drinks, ice and all paper products will be supplied for you. If you are bringing a dessert, please bring it to the park as you come to the park. Our Kitchen Krew will already be at the park and not able to transport desserts from the church campus.

RAIN OR SHINE, the Edisto Hall is rented and we will have a grand old time. Join us and bring a friend. Let’s celebrate all He has done for us!

Pastor Tom

Thursday, June 29, 2017

70th Church Anniversary Plans

Sunday, July 9 will be the 70th Anniversary for JIBC. We are planning on a fun day of celebration. Sunday Connection Groups will meet at their regular time of 9:45. Worship will begin at 11 but will dismiss at 11:45. We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper together during worship. Dress casual and ready to join us at the James Island County Park. Or bring a change of clothes and change here before you join us.

Entrance fee to the park is $2 per person or free if you have a park pass. We will buy 200 tickets for the first 200 that pick them up…then it will be free! The tickets we purchase will be available to anyone who would like them. Drop by and see the Welcome Team before or after the service. We are purchasing the tickets for you. So anyone coming to the picnic is more than welcome to get the tickets. JIBC is purchasing them for you.

We are meeting in the air conditioned Edisto Hall at the park. Easy-peazy to find. Enter the park, take the first right, follow the road around and look for Edisto Hall sign or JIBC flags! The hall seats 200 people and there will be picnic tables outside for those who prefer outside seating under the oaks. Our Kitchen Krew will be cooking picnic food with all the fixings! You can bring your favorite dessert if you would like to add to the festivities.

There will be some great games. Pastor Sean is putting together the plans; horse shoes, corn hole, ladder climb and the all time greatest giant kickball game ever in the universe. No pressure. Sean can make it happen! Did I mention watermelon?

After dessert, while some are still gathered n the Edisto Hall, we will have a time to share about some of our favorite JIBC members who have gone on to glory. Let’s honor the Lord by remembering those who faithfully served and helped to build James Island Baptist. What a day of rejoicing that will be. See you Sunday, good Lord willing.

Pastor Tom

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


This past Thursday, Randi Benton, Mary Braxton and a whole gaggle of children combined a trip to the Columbia Zoo with driving the new bus back home! Thank you, ladies. For those who might not have known, both of our buses were involved in a horrific accident right in our own parking lot. A young man travelling at an estimated 112 mph lost control of his car and crashed through the JIBC parking lot taking out both buses. The new 14 passenger bus was less than a week old and had only been driven twice. The two buses were parked over 200 feet from each other but the excessive speed took the car the entire length of our parking lot. Tragically, the young man lost his life in this horrific accident.

Well, the new bus is back and has already been used in ministry. I drove it Sunday to pick up 12 patients from the Charleston Rehab Center. The bus looks fantastic and as far as I can tell, there is no evidence it had ever been involved in an accident. It will be a welcomed ministry tool at JIBC. The big bus, our older bus, is still on the operating room table. It was a little more difficult to find all the parts for the older bus. We are looking forward to getting it back as well. It seats 39 people. Our senior adult Joy Club has ridden that bus all over South Carolina enjoying great times together. We look forward to many more trips to come.

We are always looking for drivers for the buses. The big bus requires a CDL. I like that it requires some effort. You have to pass a written test, a driving test and then also have a DOT physical. Those are good things. The small bus does not require a CDL but requires everything right up to having a CDL. You must still do the complete bus inspection and record it before each trip and you must also have a DOT physical. Again, I like that. We want to make sure our drivers are fit to drive and do not have problems with seizures, disorders or other issues that would put passengers at risk.

How will we protect the buses, our buildings and our people from future wrecks at the 5 Points curve? The DOT says there is nothing wrong with the curve. The problem is excessive speed combined with alcohol and/or drugs. That does not help much. Just last week a motorcycle crashed onto our property from that curve. Geesh! Our leadership is considering what options we have and will report soon on possible protective solutions.

Until then…the new bus is back! Our thanks to Pastor Claudio for the use of the Hispanic Van and to Randi Benton for going to pick the van up from North Charleston every Sunday. Did I mention how happy I am that the new bus is back?

Pastor Tom

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Daring Faith Devotional

I really want to encourage everyone to get a copy of JIBC’s new Daring Faith Devotional. It is a 33 day devotional by our church family about our church family. These are your friends and fellow church members sharing from their hearts about what they sense God doing at JIBC. They are available and we want everyone to have one. Let us know if you cannot come out to get one, and we will arrange to have it delivered to you!

I had the privilege of taking my copy with me on vacation. So every day I planned to have my Bible reading and prayer time and planned to include one day of the devotion. I could not just stop at one day. I found myself reading several days at a time. When I finished reading all 33 last Saturday, I found myself wishing we had even more of our members writing and sharing their thoughts.

Here was my original goal and thoughts. This July 9th, JIBC celebrates our 70th year anniversary.

In a day when so many churches are dying or are in decline, I celebrate what God is doing at JIBC. We are a healthy outward focused church family. We are a friendly group of believers who are welcoming and loving, especially to those wounded by life. Our worship is strong and our ministries are many. Financially we are blessed. We see dozens of new believers come to know the Lord and follow Him in baptism each year. We send out members to several foreign countries each year. I wanted us to begin the celebration with daily giving thanks for what God has done. I wanted us to give Him the glory, thanks and praise. I thought it would be a good warm-up for an anniversary celebration.

On July 9, we are going to have a special day of celebration. We will meet for Sunday Connection Groups just as we always do and then meet for worship at 11. We are planning for an abbreviated worship time to be followed by a church-wide lunch at the Charleston County Park here on James Island. We have the air conditioned Edisto Hall reserved. The rest…well details to follow.

Love you all,

Pastor Tom

Thursday, June 1, 2017


On Sunday, June 11, we will be giving out a devotional guide by our church family and for our church family. It is a 33 day devotional designed to go along with whatever daily Bible Reading you are currently doing. The goal is that it will take us up to and through our 70th Church Anniversary. It is hard to believe, but on Sunday, July 9, JIBC will be celebrating 70 years of missions and ministry. My hope is that the devotional will help us rejoice at what God is doing, inspire us to faithfully continue reaching out to our community and around the world. The emphasis is on what God is doing and how we are joining Him.

So, there are basically two parts to the devotional. Each of the 33 days begins with a brief testimony from a church member on “Why I Love My Church”. The reasons are different and yet very similar. I think you will enjoy reading each of them. For the second part of each days devotionals, we asked our Missions and Ministry Team Leaders to write a devotional description of their mission or ministry. Share a description, a thought and a specific way the church family could pray for you. My guess is there will be missions and ministries listed that you did not know we had and supported. Again, the goal is not to pat ourselves on the back, but to give God glory. Even as Matthew 5:16 says “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” All glory is given to God. And perhaps, just perhaps, someone will be inspired or convicted to join one of these missions and ministries or start one of their own.

If you already know you will not be here on Sunday, June 11, for the distribution Sunday, please come by when you can and pick up a copy. If you know someone who would enjoy reading this devotional, please take one for them. First printing will be 300 copies for our JIBC family. The second printing will be as needed. Enjoy and give Him praise and thanks.

Pastor Tom