Thursday, June 23, 2022


By the time you read this article, Vacation Bible School (VBS) will almost be a memory. I love VBS and I want to say thank you to all the parents for bringing their children to VBS. They could not be here without the effort of the parents. Thank you. Secondly, I want to thank all the volunteers. Many of you put in a full day at work or a double full time at home and THEN you come to pour into the hearts and lives of these beautiful children. And thank you for to the staff for the leadership and direction you give to make this happen. Well done, everyone, well done!

Some might be tempted to ask “Is it worth it? Is VBS worth all the effort, time and resources? YES, YES AND ANOTHER HARD YES! Think about the following for a moment: there were over 2.5 Million Children in VBS last year; there were 70,135 professions of faith (I say let’s reach them before we have to rescue them); churches discovered 155,344 prospects (people who do not attend church anywhere); kids get 15 hours of intense discipleship and Bible Study; and they get great snacks…don’t forget the snacks!

And watch this…there was over $6,500,000 given to mission causes through VBS! Is it worth it? Again, that would be a hard yes! For many churches, Vacation Bible School is the single largest evangelistic effort of the year. Let’s pray that as the Gospel is shared that lives would be transformed. Vacation Bible School is just one of the ways we carry out the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20 “Go into all the world and make disciples baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit; teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Let’s love some kids, teach God’s Word, make some disciples and have fun doing it all!

COMING SOON TO A CELEBRATE RECOVERY NEAR YOU Starting July 10, I will be teaching a four week course on codependency. It is open to anyone, no book required, just a heart willing to learn. You can just attend the class from 7 to 8. Or, you can come for the fellowship meal between 5:30-6:15, join us for Celebrate Recovery Worship from 6:30 to 7 and then come to the class at 7. Hope you will join us.

By the way, I would encourage everyone to come to Celebrate Recovery a time or two. Not just because you might have hurts, hang-ups and habits to work on, but because you know so many people who do. Nothing “sells” a product better than word of mouth. If you tell someone you attended and can explain to them what goes on, it greatly increases the odds that they would agree to attend. Just a thought!


Pastor Tom