This past Sunday I started a new teaching series entitled “WORSHIP: YOU WERE CREATED TO PRAISE”. My goal is visit some of the premier passages in God’s Word about Worship. Worship is one of the five purposes of JIBC. Using the familiar baseball diamond you might remember: Membership/Fellowship is FIRST BASE; Discipleship/Maturity is SECOND BASE; Service/Ministry is THIRD BASE; Outreach/Mission is HOME PLATE; Worship/Magnify is at the pitcher’s mound right in the center of it all.
So, for the next several weeks we will be looking at what God’s Word has to say to us about Worship. Sunday we read the magnificent Psalm 100. There are so many things to learn and practice. High on the list was the place of joy and gladness in our worship. Worship is celebration. We have been forgiven, set free, filled with the Holy Spirit, given the Bible as God’s printed Word, our guilt has been removed, and we have been placed in the family of God. There is great cause for joy and gladness. No one can do your worship for you. Worship is designed to be a participation event, not a spectator event.
Join us when you can, as often as you can to worship Him together. Feeling great…then worship Him with praise and thanksgiving. Feeling bad…then worship Him with praise and thanksgiving. He is worthy of our worship and we are in need of worshipping Him.
CODEPENDENCY CLASS COMING SOON. Starting Sunday night, July 10, I plan to begin a short 4 week course on Codependency. If you are interested, you can join us on Sunday nights. The full schedule will be: 5:30 Fellowship Meal; 6:30 Celebrate Recovery Worship Celebration; 7:00 Codependency Class. The Class Room will be announced later.
THANK YOU VBS VOLUNTEERS. What a great VBS! Thank you to all the volunteers that made this a great week. May your tribe increase.
See you Sunday, good Lord willing,
Pastor Tom